Teens: Need to think plus fun! long but interesting and DIFFERENT
Do boys or girls have life easier & why?: guys...all they get is pleasure and we get all the pain!!!!
If your best friends would be 100% honest, would you really like that?: nah
Strict teacher who taught a lot or a fun who didn't?: strict teacher
If you could travel into past, where would you go?: back to the 40's
Can you be trusted with secrets?: yah
What moment from ur past would u capture on video?: lol...my first day of high school
The person u dislike most: name something good about them.: not telling the name...theyre funny
If you could be invisible, what's the first thing you'd do?: go to someone's house and scare the heck outta them
Did you ever get in a mess for telling a lie?: oooo yah
Pill to make you braver or one to make u smarter?: one to make me braver
Would you rather more love or presents from ur parents?: more presents
Would you take offer to kiss a crush for $250 in front of ur class?: HECK YAH!!!!!!
Did you ever mess up a relationship?: a friendship...yes
If u could choose one perfect talent, what would it be?: charm
Uniform or choose ur own clothes in school?: choose my own clothes
Are you in a hurry to grow up?: no..but there is stuff i wanna do
If you had to change lives with a friend for a day, who'd u pick?: ooo thats a tough one
What is one thing you'd change about ur parents?: their attitude towards some stuff
Math or English?: english
Science or History?: science
Gym or Health?: gym
Bring or buy lunch?: buy
Bus or drive to school?: drive
Ever been heartbroken?: yah
If so, r u healed?: yah f
What is the best quality u got from ur dad?: i dunno
Best quality u got from your mom?: i dunno
Worst from dad?: i dunno
Worst from mom?: i dunno
Who are you closer to: mom or dad?: my mom
Does your family approve of your bf/gf?: dont have one
Would you pick your siblings as friends?: yah
What are three most important qualities in a friend?: trustworthy, loyal, forgiving
What is ur best summer memory of 2006?: finshing my college classes
Are your grades as good as they should be?: they could be better...i tired of getting B's
What are you most proud of having done?: almost getting my AA
Last time you told your parents you loved them?: like an 1 hour ago
Last time they told you?: same
Would u eat a spider to meet ur favorite celebrity?: if t was little
If u found a purse with lots of money, what would u do?: turnnit into the police
When is last time u laughed at urself for doing something silly?: haha last night
If you could change one thing about your looks, what would it be?: i would wanna be taller
One thing about your personality?: more assertive
Would u choose to be the most attractive, the smartest, or most athletic?: most attractive
What do your friends like most about you?: im really kind and easygoing
If it could be that someone adored u, who would u pick?: hmm i dunno
What's the best trick u played on someone?: my "tricks" never work
Best birthday you ever had?: my sweet 16
In opposite sex, PREFER blonde or brunette?: brunette
PREFER light or dark eyes?: i dont discriminate against eye color
PREFER long or short hair?: short cut
Would you accept braces?: yah
Would you accept glasses?: yah
Would you date outside your race?: yah
Would you date someone taller?: everyone's taller than me
Someone shorter?: that would be sad but ive seen some cute shorties
Someone overweight?: not so overweight like really really big
Someone underweight?: i dont wanna twig
Would you date someone who wanted to wait a long time for sxx?: i wanna wait a long time too...so we'll be on the same page
Believe in love at first sight?: no
What grade are you going into?: ima senior
Is your bf/gf in same school?: n/a
# 1 quality (besides looks) in a bf/gf is....: kindess
Do you get lots of offers to hook up?: no not really...i get a few
How often do you do it?: never
How old were you with first love?: n/a
Do you miss that person or still with them?: n/a
What do you think is the hardest thing about growing up?: not being able to do the things you could do when you were little
Best thing to do when you feel sad?: sing
Anything that scares u even though u know there's no reason to be afraid?: snakes
Ever blamed for something you didn't do?: too many times
What was your biggest failure?: oooo long story
Would you rather repeat a grade in school OR gain 40 lbs?: repeat a grade
What do you dislike most about yourself?: im too nice
Best thing about school?: friends and the learnign experience
Worst thing about school?: homework
If you got too much change in a store, would you tell them?: yah
What really gets on your nerves?: alot of things
What's most important lesson you have learned?: if u can't have something...let it go..there's always something better
If u could read ONE person's mind, who would u pick?: cant tell ya that
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You've been totally Bzoink*d
You scored as Interesting/outgoing.... You like to be the center of attention. People enjoy you because you're so outgoing and entertaining! Everywhere you go, people are attracted to your playfulness and energy. You have no trouble finding friends, although you exclude certain types of people (usually quiet types).
Fast Paced
What kind of personality do you have??
created with QuizFarm.com href="http://quiz.myyearbook.com/zenhex/quiz.php?id=48599" Wat Sexiii desert r u?
Strawberry dipped in Chocolate
ooo sexy-licious!!! sweet nd sour cant describe u better!! x3
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook! Muh name is Courtney ♥ ima senior at E.C. at Lee ♥ im 17 years old ♥ ima Christian and i love God with all my heart ♥ im pretty much the perfect girl next door ♥ im "preppy" and i absolutely love it!!!! ♥ most ppl think im "misunderstood" ♥ i believe everyone has a purpose in life ♥ "its not what ppl u,its what u answer to" ♥ i absolutely dislike ppl who try to start D.R.A.M.A ♥ to know me is to love me ♥ i carry my sidekick with me everywhere!!!!! ♥ "like omgah!!!!!" ♥ ditziness is soooooo cute ♥ ppl say im spoiled, i guess u an agree ♥ "if someone shows u who they are, believe them" ♥ shopping is a sport!!! ♥ if u think im shy..hang around me long enough and u'll see differenty ♥ if there's anything else u wanna know jus ask!!!! ♥ Take the quiz:
What Flavor Ice Cream Are You
You Are Strawberry Ice Cream A bit shy and sensitive, you are sweet to the core. You often find yourself on the outside looking in. Insightful and pensive, you really understand how the world works. You are most compatible with chocolate chip ice cream.
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!