Canadian ex-pat, living in Hanoi, Vietnam
have lived in London (UK) and Doha (Qatar) previously
entering my 7th year living abroad, 10th year of teaching.
teach in an international school
love Vancouver above all other cities
love my job! I teach middle schoolers and we have so much fun every day.
take literacy very seriously
am heading a project to start a council of the International Reading Association in Vietnam
run my own professional blog: The Literacy Loop. Visit it here
I… write poetry love rich, deep colours am a very sensitive viewer am fiercely loyal to friends once visited Kashmir, Pakistan on a life-changing service trip for a Qatar NGO. (For more details, please visit their website . **special prize for anyone who can find me in a picture on this website!** You can also read my views about the trip on my blog here. am a foolish idealist have a secret fantasy about working for Apple one day am emotional Fish, struggling on the cusp of the logical and grounded Aquarius have an eternal struggle to balance emotional fantasy with make-sense reality. Dammit.
used to sing in a soul band, now singing in a phunkadelic pholk band called Lemongrass -- check out our sound here
have visited 28 different countries
love Chilean reds the best
am a news junkie
collect postcards that people send me
want to do more humanitarian work
excel at beginnings
currently addicted to Facebook and my fresh fruit
fantasize about shoes
always read the instruction manuals
wish I could do more.
6 Years Ago
How old were you?: 26
Where did you go to school?: no school, was working
Where did you work?: Just finished working at Ecole Madeleine d'Houet in Calgary
Where did you live?: Calgary, AB but was moving to London, England
Where did you hang out?: Starbucks
Did you wear glasses?: Uh, yes.
Who was your best friend at that time?: Sandra, Broni, and Michelle
How many tattoos did you have?: none
How many piercings did you have?: three in one ear, two in another
What car did you drive?: My very love-able white 1992 Dodge Colt
Had you been to a real party?: Uh, yes.
Had You had your heart broken?: Umm, yes.
Were you Single/Taken/Married/Divorced?: Single
2 Years Ago
How old were you?: 30
Where did you go to school?: still done
Where did you work?: Qatar Academy
Where did you live?: Doha, Qatar
Where did you hang out?: Admiral's Club, Pearl, and Le Notre (yum)
Did you wear glasses?: Still!
Who were your best friend(s)?: Rachel, Nadine, Broni, Kate, Bernadette, Sherif
How many tattoos did you have?: none :-(
How many piercings did you have?: three in one ear, two in the other, and one in my nose!
What car did you drive?: 2004 Honda Civic (a rental)
Had your heart broken?: Oh yes, very recently and very badly.
Were you Single/Taken/Married/Divorced?: Recently single
How old are you?: 32
What school do you go to?: and I'm STILL done
where do you live?: Hanoi, Vietnam
Do you wear glasses?: STILL
Who are your best friends?: Rachel, Broni, Kate, Maija, Melissa, David, Andrea
Do you talk to your old friends?: Oh yes. But not as much as I would like. I miss them!
How many piercings do you have?: three in one ear, two in the other, and one in my nose... soon to be a couple more in my ears, I think
How many tattoos?: sadly, still none, but have henna-ed hands
What kind of car do you have?: nada :-)
Has your heart been broken?: Yes... uh, see above!
Are you Single/Taken/Married/Divorce?: Single but taken, I guess. :-)
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