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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me


    Canadian ex-pat, living in Hanoi, Vietnam have lived in London (UK) and Doha (Qatar) previously entering my 7th year living abroad, 10th year of teaching. teach in an international school love Vancouver above all other cities love my job! I teach middle schoolers and we have so much fun every day. take literacy very seriously am heading a project to start a council of the International Reading Association in Vietnam run my own professional blog: The Literacy Loop. Visit it here


    I… write poetry love rich, deep colours am a very sensitive viewer am fiercely loyal to friends once visited Kashmir, Pakistan on a life-changing service trip for a Qatar NGO. (For more details, please visit their website . **special prize for anyone who can find me in a picture on this website!** You can also read my views about the trip on my blog here. am a foolish idealist have a secret fantasy about working for Apple one day am emotional Fish, struggling on the cusp of the logical and grounded Aquarius have an eternal struggle to balance emotional fantasy with make-sense reality. Dammit.


    used to sing in a soul band, now singing in a phunkadelic pholk band called Lemongrass -- check out our sound here have visited 28 different countries love Chilean reds the best am a news junkie collect postcards that people send me want to do more humanitarian work excel at beginnings currently addicted to Facebook and my fresh fruit fantasize about shoes always read the instruction manuals wish I could do more.

6 Years Ago
How old were you?: 26
Where did you go to school?: no school, was working
Where did you work?: Just finished working at Ecole Madeleine d'Houet in Calgary
Where did you live?: Calgary, AB but was moving to London, England
Where did you hang out?: Starbucks
Did you wear glasses?: Uh, yes.
Who was your best friend at that time?: Sandra, Broni, and Michelle
How many tattoos did you have?: none
How many piercings did you have?: three in one ear, two in another
What car did you drive?: My very love-able white 1992 Dodge Colt
Had you been to a real party?: Uh, yes.
Had You had your heart broken?: Umm, yes.
Were you Single/Taken/Married/Divorced?: Single
2 Years Ago
How old were you?: 30
Where did you go to school?: still done
Where did you work?: Qatar Academy
Where did you live?: Doha, Qatar
Where did you hang out?: Admiral's Club, Pearl, and Le Notre (yum)
Did you wear glasses?: Still!
Who were your best friend(s)?: Rachel, Nadine, Broni, Kate, Bernadette, Sherif
How many tattoos did you have?: none :-(
How many piercings did you have?: three in one ear, two in the other, and one in my nose!
What car did you drive?: 2004 Honda Civic (a rental)
Had your heart broken?: Oh yes, very recently and very badly.
Were you Single/Taken/Married/Divorced?: Recently single
How old are you?: 32
What school do you go to?: and I'm STILL done
where do you live?: Hanoi, Vietnam
Do you wear glasses?: STILL
Who are your best friends?: Rachel, Broni, Kate, Maija, Melissa, David, Andrea
Do you talk to your old friends?: Oh yes. But not as much as I would like. I miss them!
How many piercings do you have?: three in one ear, two in the other, and one in my nose... soon to be a couple more in my ears, I think
How many tattoos?: sadly, still none, but have henna-ed hands
What kind of car do you have?: nada :-)
Has your heart been broken?: Yes... uh, see above!
Are you Single/Taken/Married/Divorce?: Single but taken, I guess. :-)
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

PLEASE NOTE: **I won't respond to random messages from people asking "can we be friends?"**

Oprah Winfrey. Oscar Wilde. Ben Stiller. Ian Wright (the traveller). People who turned their passion into their job.

My Blog

Communists still in control in Vietnam -- no real surprise

With all the elections going on this week, I was intrigued to read this article from the BBC about what is really happening here. Like when I lived in Qatar, often I have to look outside of Vietnam t...
Posted by on Fri, 18 May 2007 06:11:00 GMT

Hunt for Bin Laden yourself

Wired mag explains how you, too, can see what the CIA see in the mountains of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Cool beans, I say. Maybe I'll see Osama on my Google Earth desktop...
Posted by on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 07:44:00 GMT

KOTO: A Good thing in Hanoi, Vietnam

If you check out this link ...you will be introduced to Jimmy Pham, the business partner of my friend Matt Law (they co-own Le Pub here in Hanoi). CNN has chosen Jimmy's first venture - KOTO - to prof...
Posted by on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 09:39:00 GMT

Save your passwords, says Mac 101

And it's a good idea for everyone, too.  This CNET news article tipped me off to check out this Mac 101 website (an Apple website), where you can find this cool PDF file to print out, f...
Posted by on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 05:25:00 GMT

Windows Vista -- on your iBook?

The Wow Starts Now I got a kick out of this little tidbit on Engadget. Yep, it's an iBook.  
Posted by on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 05:18:00 GMT

BBC poll: Canada ranked as having most positive image

Apparently, according to this AP article on the Globe and Mail, Canada has the best international image. The poll was done by BBC World service, but it looks like they interviewed people from 27...
Posted by on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 03:33:00 GMT

The Future of Entertainment is Bit-Torrent -- and it's legal

This Wired article details the announcement today by BitTorrent Inc. that they have landed a deal which will allow BitTorrent users to use their peer-to-peer software for legal downloads of movies and...
Posted by on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 07:19:00 GMT

North vs. South: Vietnam

For those of you wondering if there still is a difference between North and South Vietnam, read this. From my own travel experience, I can say that it's QUITE different, but I had no idea that the Vie...
Posted by on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 04:56:00 GMT

Good news for iPhone fans overseas

Yesterday AppleInsider posted this article hinting that the iPhone in 3G might be available overseas as early as 2008. Woo hoo! Although the article only really mentions Europe, there is still hope f...
Posted by on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 07:00:00 GMT

Nintendo's Wii turns on the seniors

This article on Engadget cracked me up. It's about how the new Wii (from Nintendo) is becoming very popular with senior citizens in Illinois. Witness:And then I had to read the original Chicago Trib...
Posted by on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 06:57:00 GMT