kdizzle profile picture


I am here for Networking

About Me

WoW Thrall (PVE) (bounced from Bonechewer!):
Nutnhoney - warrior
Fruitloops - mage
Capncrunchy - druid
Still on bonechewer --
Cocoapuffs - paladin
More world of warcraft guides and things at RPGForums.com

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

People who play wow of course. :) Or people who like good music. The heavier and more rhythmic, the better. If I don't feel energized after listening to it, that means you fail.Well, or maybe people interested in the other crap below - astronomy / computer stuff / racing... :)Oh, and I guess Vegas partying people.

My Blog

Flash Drive SSDs seek time vs. platters...

In my line o' work, we work with a lot of databases. The interesting thing about all that is that unlike many databases, ours span billions of records, most of which are very small.  Our access i...
Posted by on Thu, 15 May 2008 22:36:00 GMT