Sami :0) profile picture

Sami :0)

Something Significant and awesome

About Me

Lets see... I have the cutest redheaded child on the planet. His name is Calvin and he is 4 years old. He keeps me busy but he gives me a most meaningful purpose in life which is to be the best I can be for him and be able to give him all the best and LOVE him to pieces! I just recently graduated from a Certified Dental Assistant program!!WOOOO HOOOO!!Yeah! It seems as though it took forever to pick a certain path in life and go with it and now here I am! I Currently work in a new office in LAke Katrine NY.I grew up in Michigan till I was 11 years old then moved to Pennsylvania and lived there until I was 16. I lived in New York, Illinois, and Arizona...with a lot of moving back and forth. I have 3 beautiful amazing and inspiring stepsisters in AZ and a wonderful little brother Mark who gave me a beautiful niece also in AZ. I also have a great older sister Taira , who also has given me a beautiful niece. I love my family and friends. I can't express that enough. I love music and concerts and being alive! I love trying to live a healthy lifestyle and be healthy and happy! I love finding new things to like!!!

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My Interests

Finding Creative things to do with Calvin,shopping,Ebaying,hanging with friends and family,cooking,cleaning,teeth ( not cooking and cleaning teeth...just teeth in general!),traveling everywhere and anywhere I could possibly go someday,making lots of money and spending a lot of it on clothes and giving the rest of it to Calvin ,my friend's and family's success'. Finding a reasonable explanation for life which lately has been God. Reading books:0) Dancing with Calvin...taking pictures,being outside in the mountains.I LOVE LOVE LOVE going to rockin concerts. hhmmm.... Come visit my store on CafePress!

I'd like to meet:

Donald Trump....I just wanna touch the hair. Myself, 20 years in the future.Really Awesome Women like myself who like to talk a lot and go out on weekends to get away from it all!!

adopt your own virtual pet! I would also like to remeet all the people I have been friends with and moved and lost touch with. I really associate places with the people I met and liked no matter how briefly I knew them. Like I probably remember ppl who don't remember me but then again... MySpace Tracker

Music: much....Tool, A perfect Circle, NIN, Radiohead,The Postal Service,Phish,Modest Mouse,Mazzy Star,Tori Amos,Janis,Scissor Sisters, Fiona Apple,Simple Kid, The Black Eyed Peas cuz my son can get down to them!,RUSTED ROOT, Grateful Dead,The Pixies, Violent Phemmes,Flaming Lips,Wilco,White Stripes,FAtboy Slim,Cosmic Slop,Moby,The Beatles,VAn Morrison,Jimmy Hendrix,BEck,Red Hot Chilli Peppers,Bob MArley,Beastie Boys,Eels,SpaceHog,Tragically Hip.......hmmm..GArth Brooks,Macy Gray,BAby Einstein music...Led Zeppelin...Rich when he thinks hes a rock star in the shower,Prince,Franz Ferdinand,Melanie,My Mom, The Avalanches, The Walkmen,weezer,Colplay,Gwen Stefani,The Cure,The Clash,Good dancestuff.


Yup lots. The Peanut Butter Solution,The Frighteners, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Garden State,The Royal Tenenbaums,the first Lord of The Rings. Star Wars 4-6 (I still haven't seen 1-3),Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind, Closer, Breakfast Club, Waking Life.Dazed and Confused (from my high school days played at every party)


I would like to say that I have too much to do that I NEVER, EVER watch T.V., but hey....I like Lost,E.R., Grey's Anatomy,Real World,Big Brother,The 4400,Sex and The city,Family Guy,Futurama,What Not To Wear, How Do I Look,The Price IS Right,Oprah,...regular news.National Geographic channel.


Any books well written...I am into Dean Koontz and John Saul for the horror side of things....Da Vinci Code was a good recent read....A Wrinkle in Time...Stephen King...Sylvia Brown.......Night by Elie Wiesel....Prozac NAtion....on and on and on


You give your love and friendship unconditionaly. You enjoy long, thoughtful conversations rich in philosophy and spirituality. You are very loyal and intuitive. Find out your color at Quiz Me! I think anyone who really goes for their goals, and doesn't let obstacles stand in their way ...they are my heroes. All my friends who go out there and have ambition.. you are my hero:0)
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My Blog

Gill Farm

So yesterday was Calvin's very first field trip ever! We went to Gill Farm on 209. It was adorable. Rich and I both went to Chaperone. We went on a hayride and picked a pumpkin and watched the kids ru...
Posted by Sami :0) on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 05:06:00 PST


Ok So am gonna try and get everyone to go to and and because Richard's shops just sit there and do nothing a...
Posted by Sami :0) on Thu, 24 Aug 2006 06:33:00 PST

Broken bones shall surely heal

Awwww So my poor baby Calvin has a broken Tibia and fractured Growth plate on his right ankle.He has a little cast for now till tomorrow morning and the orthapedic surgeon will set it in a real cast. ...
Posted by Sami :0) on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 04:37:00 PST

Do not

Do not stand at my grave and weep;I am not there. I do not sleepI am a thousand winds that blowI am the diamond glints on snowI am the sunlight on ripened grainI am the gentle autumn rainWhen you awak...
Posted by Sami :0) on Tue, 15 Aug 2006 09:02:00 PST

Check out this event: I'm GRADUATING!!!!!!!!!

Hosted By: Samantha WymanWhen: Saturday Aug 05, 2006 at 9:00 PMWhere: My Home!137 Jansen Ave.Kingston, AL 12401USDescription:Samantha Wyman Click Here To View Event...
Posted by Sami :0) on Sat, 05 Aug 2006 01:39:00 PST


I am going to turn into a peanut. I have been eating peanuts for like 2 days. Somebody make it stop.
Posted by Sami :0) on Mon, 05 Jun 2006 11:39:00 PST

Eckerd Wars

Ok So let me just say that if you plan on getting pictures developed. DON'T DO IT AT ECKERD in Kingston!!!! I went in on Thursday morning at 9:30 to have one hour photo develop my pictures and make me...
Posted by Sami :0) on Mon, 05 Jun 2006 07:10:00 PST

My Zeppie Doo

He was a friend to all...except those who chose to get him all riled up. He was a little fluff of white pimp love. He was the funniest little ass, who made me pay $60 to bail him o...
Posted by Sami :0) on Thu, 01 Jun 2006 07:53:00 PST


So I have to say that I feel like maybe I have a liitle of a shopping or  shall I say " bargain hunting" problem. MAybe I'm just cheap, I don't know. The thing is, I can't seem to pass up any ite...
Posted by Sami :0) on Sun, 28 May 2006 06:45:00 PST


Posted by Sami :0) on Sat, 20 May 2006 07:48:00 PST