My hopes are so high,
that your kiss might kill me.
So won't you kill me,
so I die happy <3.
i'm not totally religious...but i know God exists.
my friends are the coolest people you'll ever meet.
i lurve music.
love is important to me.
so is happiness.
i love to laugh...and if you have a problem with that...go kill urself ;].
hehe i love sugar.
& bubble tea.
herbal essences / a&f fierce / hollister august are my favorite scents.
i love to cuddle.
important stuff: mp3. camera. cell phone. etc.
places i love: mall. park. movie theatre. beach. etc.
i am: hyper. very very random. crazy. retarted. bipolar. a laughing freak.
i have my moments when i can just be chill.
i am afraid of the dark. scary stuff. ghosts. heights. being alone.
i play and love my piano.
i lurve food.
i never take naps, unless it's during a car ride.
take me anywhere...i love traveling.
but i love going to IKEA!!!...and riding their shopping carts :D.
by the way, i'm really perverted [i may not seem like it] if you have a problem, too bad :D.
talk to me, i like hearing peoples' problems.
screen name: hiighperxmeee.
msn: [email protected].