Learning. I love God. International Relations, Martial Arts, Volleyball, Skiing, Scuba Diving, Snowboarding, Tennis, Swimming, Rollerblading, Ultimate Frisbee, Golf, Chinese & Korean Languages, World History, Church History, Theology, Psychology, Eschatology, Board Games, Card Games, Reading, Piano, Hiking, Camping, Nature, Traveling, Church, Foreign Films, the Politics of God...
I'd like to meet:
Your Political Profile
Overall: 55% Conservative, 45% Liberal
Social Issues: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal
Personal Responsibility: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal
Fiscal Issues: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal
Ethics: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal
Defense and Crime: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal
How Liberal / Conservative Are You?
You Are Best Described By...
San Giorgio Maggiore, Twilight
By Claude Monet
What Famous Work of Art Are You?
You Have A Type B Personality
You're as laid back as they come...
Your baseline mood is calm and level headed
Creativity and philosophy tend to be your forteLike a natural sedative, you have a soothing effect on people
Friends and family often turn to you first with their problems
You have the personality to be a spiritual or psychological guru
Do You Have a Type A Personality?.. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --56.67 63.16 63.89 63.16--
ISTJ - "Trustee". Decisiveness in practical affairs. Guardian of time- honored institutions. Dependable. 11.6% of total population. Free Jung Personality Test (similar to Myers-Briggs/MBTI).. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 2.67 / 5.37 --
Main Type Overall Self
Take Free Enneagram Personality Test
Enneagram Test Results
Type 1 Perfectionism |||||||||||||||| 70%
Type 2 Helpfulness |||||||||||||| 58%
Type 3 Image Focus |||||||||||| 42%
Type 4 Hypersensitivity |||||||||| 34%
Type 5 Detachment |||||||||||| 42%
Type 6 Anxiety |||||||||| 38%
Type 7 Adventurousness |||||||||||||||||||| 82%
Type 8 Aggressiveness |||||||||||||| 58%
Type 9 Calmness |||||||||||||||||||| 86% Your main type is
9 Your variant is
sexual Take Free Enneagram Personality Test
What Famous Leader Are You?
personality tests by similarminds.com"Congressmen who willfully take actions during
wartime that damage morale and undermine the
military are saboteurs and should be arrested,
exilted, or hanged." -President Abraham Lincoln
I love it all. I'm ready to go to a show any time. And preferably, the more talent represented, the better.
Godfather (I-II-III), Narnia, Donnie Brasco, Dumb and Dumber, Rat Race, Dances With Wolves, The God's Must Be Crazy, Shrek, The Incredibles, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Casino, Mickey Blue Eyes, Life Is Beautiful, Singin' In the Rain, Napolean Dynamite, Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels, Good Will Hunting, Major Payne, Korean: Singles, Taegukki, Shilmido, JSA...
Not much time for it, but I do like 24!, C-Span, Hannity&Colmes, O'Reilly Factor, Arirang & the Chinese CCTV-9
Almost anything on International Affairs, East Asia, Christian apolgetics, politics, theology and biographies of saints, linguistic pedagogy & English orthography.
Henri Nouwen, Wang Mindao, Hudson Taylor, Elizabeth Elliot and Abe Lincoln.