[$] NAME: jacqueline Hawkins Stubbs
[$] BIRTHDAY: march 26
[$] SCREENAME: rocknshorti48
those who've seen us,
know that not a thing could come between us.
"Hate my game, my swagga, hate my will to win. my hunger, hate that im a pr0, a champion, hate that! Hate it with all your heart,&& hate that im loved for the exact same reason.take n0te 0f my acti0ns && try n0t to be jeal0us 0f what y0u'll never be."
i love my bruddah'
Epitome of Perfection
th3 onlY bad lUck br0ught by the # 13,
is an ACE.....0n y0ur sid3 0f tha' c0urt ♥
Jacqui Stubbs all day.