Psychedelogic profile picture


About Me

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Psychedelogic-- the meeting point in a concept or comprehensive state wherein psychedelic delusions conceive logical pretenses. formed in early 2007 by the first four original members-- Malcolm, Mike, Brice and Pat, later to be joined in early November by their vocalist, Christina. Playing a wide variety of styles and genres, Psychedelogic has been sexually pleasing audiences since the beginning of time and space itself. We'd try to describe to you these musical satisfactions but you'll have to experience for yourself.
meet us on our alternate plane of ignis fatuus.
and yes. that's a word. look it up it fits perfectly.

My Interests


Member Since: 2/22/2008
Band Members: Christina (Vocals), Malcolm Camsell (Guitar), Patrick McDonald (Bass Guitar), Mike Bourree (Drums), Brice Berge (Sax)
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Record Label: Unsigned

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