John is an ::UH-MAZING:: {{UH-DIC-SHUN}} profile picture

John is an ::UH-MAZING:: {{UH-DIC-SHUN}}

....but through the pain in everyone's souls...i'll live on...

About Me

OK well.....the names John Devore a.k.a. The Show Stopper).....i'm 17.......i'm really crazy, and can be loud at times. i love to live life to the fullest and i really believe in freedom of ..yes this means i'm an individualist anarchist). i have friends of all types and i love them all for who they are and i hope the only time they ever change themselves, unless it's for the better. yes, i love rock and i love r&b and soul, but i will not listen to most rap, because i just can't relate to it. i'm a theatre nerd and i have a natural gift for comedy, more specifically low comedy (a.k.a physical comedy).I ABSOLUTELY LOVE things that can give me an adrenaline rush and i love trying new things. People tell me i have natural talent and can make a room full of people laugh without saying a word. i cheer people up no matter what the situation and i love to see people happy. With that being said...i leave you with these final words.....Never be ashamed of who you are, and love cause you could be alot worse.

Myspace Layouts at / Animated little skulls

My Interests

What Seven Deadly Sin are you?
Envey. stop freaken out and like yourslef damn it!..
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Name: John "Jay" Devore II
Birthdate: June 13, 1989
Birthplace: In Virginia
Current Location: .....still in Virginia....
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Black
Height: 6 foot 3
Weight: 225 pounds
Piercings: none
Tatoos: none (yet)
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: nope =D
Overused Phraze: ROFLMFAO!!
Food: ....where do i begin???....
Candy: oh i's "ask the fat kid about food day", huh?.....fuckers....
Number: 13. =D
Color: Black and Red
Animal: Cougar
Drink: Sodas, milkshakes, smoothies, and water.
Alcohol Drink: Hypnotic
Bagel: cinnamon and raisin....and also blueberry
Letter: J
Body Part on Opposite sex: Smile. eyes and hair.
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: both
McDonalds or BurgerKing: McDonalds
Strawberry or Watermelon: Depends. When it come to candy watermelon, but the actual fruit, both.
Hot tea or Ice tea: Both
Chocolate or Vanilla Vanilla
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Both
Kiss or Hug: Both *usually at the same time ;-)*
Dog or Cat: Dog lover
Rap or Punk: METAL!!!!!!!
Summer or Winter: Both
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: whats the difference?
Love or Money: Both....I LOVE MONEY!!
Bedtime: whenever i drop down to the floor in exhaustion.
Most Missed Memory: Elementary school with J.R. and Travis.
Best phyiscal feature: i don't think i have one, but girls say my butt and smile.
First Thought Waking Up: I gotta pee.
Goal for this year: To go to College.
Best Friends: J.R., Tyler, Travis, AJ, Jessica and Tim.
Weakness: The Words "I Love You" with a serious face.
Fears: Being buried alive.
Heritage: Black, French, and Indian.
Longest relationship: i think like 2 months, LMAO!!
Ever Drank: yup
Ever Smoked: nope
Pot: nope
Ever been Drunk: tipsy
Ever been beaten up: not a day in my life
Ever beaten someone up: yup
Ever Shoplifted: nope
Ever Skinny Dipped: nope (and ya'll should be leaving me comments saying "THANK YOU!!" for that)
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: Yup
Been Dumped Lately: nope
Favorite Eye Color: Doesn't Matter
Favorite Hair Color: Don't care
Short or Long: Either/or
Height: shorter than me (that shouldn't be too tough)
Style: Whatever
Looks or Personality: Both
Hot or Cute Either/or
Drugs and Alcohol: nope
Muscular or Really Skinny: just so long, as she's not 400 pounds and not mre muscular than me.
Number of Regrets in the Past: none, my mistakes ake me who i am.
What country do you want to Visit: anywhere not VA.
How do you want to Die: Knowing that i accomplished something in life.....or in a Zombie attack.
Been to the Mall Lately: Yup
Do you like Thunderstorms: I LOVE THEM!!! =D
Get along with your Parents: ....
Health Freak: ....this fat kids gonna go ape shit on your ass!!
Do you think your Attractive: nope
Believe in Yourself: sometimes
Want to go to College: only cause i must
Do you Smoke: nope
Do you Drink: only at social events
Shower Daily: of course
Been in Love: nope
Do you Sing: a little
Want to get Married: someday
Do you want Children: yup
Have your future kids names planned out: one is David (she's a bad girl) and Sarah (he's a boy)
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: dunno yet
Hate anyone: yup


I'd like to meet:

JACK BLACK!!! THAT MAN IS MY IDOL AND IS HILARIOUS!!!.....hmmmmm who else......well i think Jack Sparrow would also be pretty cool...ROBIN WILLIAMS!!!...Ellen DeGeneres...ummmm, also Lewis Black...and Jim Carrey.
You Are an Emo Rocker!
Expressive and deep, lyrics are really your thing.
That doesn't mean you don't rock out...
You just rock out with meaning.
For you, rock is more about connecting than grandstanding. What Kind of Rocker Are You?
You scored as Posion. Your death will be by poison, probably because you are a glutton and are around so many people that it would be easy to get away with it. Several important people in history share your fate.

















Cut Throat








Natural Causes

How Will You Die??
created with QuizFarm.comMusic Video: MENOMENA (by Muppets)

Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone



I prefer Heavy Metal, Death Metal, and Hard Rock....but in reality i listen to it all.....excpet rap.....but rock is i love: ~P.O.D.~Avenged Sevenfold~System of a Down~Disturbed~Dropkick Murphys~Slayer~Pantera~Cannibal Corpse~Breaking Benjamin~Adema~Seether~Guns 'N Roses~Gorillaz~Maroon 5~Papa Roach~Strikethrew~Children Of Bodom~Patent Pending~Saliva~Motorhead~Arch Enemy~My Chemical Romance~Marilyn Manson~Black Label Society~Weezer~Puddle of Mud~Death Angel~Ozzy Osbourne~Black Sabbath~Lamb of God~In Flames~Chimaira~Dragon Force~Lacuna Coil~Devil Driver~Sworn Enemy~36 Crazyfist~Demon Hunter~Mastodon~Motograter~E. Town Concrete~Kataklsym~Poison the Well~Soilwork~Unearth~Strapping Young Lad~As I Lay Dying~Messhugah~Mercy Drive~Killswitch Engaged~Brand New Sin~and a lot of others i can't think of off the top of my head...


Comedies, Action Flicks, and horror movies
Three Things
Three things that scare me:
1 Being buried alive
2 caught in a room full of snakes
3 being surrounded by the enemy
Three people who make me laugh:
1 J.R.
2 Andy
3 Travis
Three Things I love:
1 My friends
2 Food
3 Professional Wrestling
Three Things I hate:
1 Pop-ups
2 telemarketers
3 Stalkers
Three things I don't understand:
1 why fat people always claim they don't know how they got that way.
2 big words
3 My washing machine
Three things on my desk:
1 my laptop
2 my video games
3 my system to my surround sound
Three things I'm doing right now:
1 Sitting naked....
2 in a bean bag chair....
3 eatin cheetos....
Three things I want to do before I die:
1 Become a great, comedic actor
2 become a pro wrestling champion
3 watch JR burn a calorie (lookin like 412 pounds...of a clogged artery)
Three things I can do:
1 eat large amounts of food in short timing
2 make Caitlin snort
3 pee standing and eating at the same time
Three ways to describe my personality:
1 outgoing
2 funny
3 energetic
Three things I can't do:
1 whistle
2 say "I QUIT" or "I GIVE UP"
3 let a friend get in trouble by themselves


The King of Queens, King of the Hill, Anything on G4 (except Attack of the Show), MTV shows like Next, Date My Mom, Pimp my Ride and things of that nature.


Books are the Devil...


-AJ aka "Mister Barnes": This kid always makes me laugh. Besides the fact that we have ALOT in common, he's probably the single coolest kid i've ever met. He's the greatest,and although he's always so mean to me (jk =D), i still love this kid to death. -Shayna Barnes: I love Shayna so much. She's one the sweetest girls i know, and she always captivates my heart and brightens my day with her smile. It seems like time goes so slow when she's not around and i will gladly wait for her to come back from college and work with me again. -Derrick: i love Him so much! he's so funny, and although he's a jerk to me, i know he only does it because that's his only way of expressing his friendship for me,'s ok Derrick i get the message...i love you too, LMAO!-Shelby: Whenever you see this lil' (and i mean LITTLE) girl, you can't help but think to yourself "GOD SHE'S A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E!!!!" who doesn't love the Shelbinator? She's the most nicest person i could ever ask to have in my life and i know one day, she will make some lucky man VERY happy! =D-Trevor: Although he now resides in Atlanta, Georgia, he's still my alter-ego. we're like to sides of the same coin and not a day goes by i don't miss waking up early in the morning and then going outside and spending the ENTIRE day with T-Dawg. I can't wait to see him again. -Jessica: Jessica Harris a.k.a "The Queen of Xtreme" is, and always will be, my little sis. Our destiny as the tag team known as Team Xtreme, will come true when we get outta school and start our wrestling training. JOHN AND JESSICA, REMEBER THE NAMES, CAUSE YOU'LL BE HEARING IT OFR A LONG TIME TO COME!!-Tyler: This man right here is my bro. I love this kid to death and despite the lack of mentally stable friends we posess, i doubt i'll ever find a friend quite as awesome as him. We share the same opinion on most subjects and i look up to him as a very noble and honorable man. He's my TRUE hero.-Travis: MY FAVORTIE GUITARIST AND FRIEND FOR 13 YEARS NOW, I DON'T THINK I CAN FIND ANOTHER HARCORE KID LIKE THIS ONE! I believe that Travis has a bright future ahead of him and no matter what happens i will always be his number 1 fan and support him through any situation. *by the way Travis, YOU'RE NOT BALDING AND VIOLENCE ISN'T LIKE POTATOE BREAD!!!-Ashton -Crystal -Mrs. Southall -Mr. Nigro -Mr. Hughes -Mrs. Halbert -My Grandma -My Grandpa -and many others, but i can't think of them off the top off my head
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My Blog

ok...this may sound stupid, but...

ok, me and A-Kick_ were talking while coming up for a desgn concept for our T-Shirts, and we both has a synchronized A.D.D moment and saw the ol' sayin' "no pain, no ______". but we couldn't figure ou...
Posted by John is an ::UH-MAZING:: {{UH-DIC-SHUN}} on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 11:59:00 PST

Ok Guys Very Important......Which one do you think?

WHAT GENDER ARE COMPUTERS? A language instructor was explaining to her class that French nouns, unlike their English counterparts, are grammatically designated as masculine or feminine. Things like 'c...
Posted by John is an ::UH-MAZING:: {{UH-DIC-SHUN}} on Sat, 16 Dec 2006 08:12:00 PST

I'm Back.....

Posted by John is an ::UH-MAZING:: {{UH-DIC-SHUN}} on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 04:37:00 PST


ok, time for the truth....I truly has 15 commandments, but that clumsy Moses had to go and drop one of my tablets (way to go SAM!!!). So here are the the other 5 we were missing. 1. Thou shalt not eat...
Posted by John is an ::UH-MAZING:: {{UH-DIC-SHUN}} on Sat, 13 May 2006 09:44:00 PST

Come on guys ok, be honest with me. i won't get mad.

GRADE MEF = You're ugly and you suck at life. Literally.D = You're an ass. Go jump off a cliff.C- = You're just someone I don't want to talk to, okay?C = You're okay lookingC+ = You're, meh, the "aver...
Posted by John is an ::UH-MAZING:: {{UH-DIC-SHUN}} on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 05:05:00 PST


LLAMA SONG!!!!! learn it , live it, love it!   (  heres a llama theres a llma  and another little llama fuzzy llama  funny llama llama llama duck  llama llama cheesecake &nb...
Posted by John is an ::UH-MAZING:: {{UH-DIC-SHUN}} on Sat, 28 Jan 2006 07:43:00 PST

You Can't Take It With You (thanks guys!)

Hey guys, i just wanted to thank Tanner, Erin, Ashley, Marike, Bob, Chad, Becky, Kat, Shaunice, Jessica, Trey, Heather, Marilyn, Tim "Tod", Adam, Lindsay W., Jimmy, Ryan, Zack, Blair, Brea, Jamie...
Posted by John is an ::UH-MAZING:: {{UH-DIC-SHUN}} on Sun, 22 Jan 2006 03:22:00 PST


Hey guys this is my first blog and for it, I wanted to see ohw you guys truly felt about John a.k.a. Jesus!!! haha. So go ahead and take this survey and let the love (or hate) flow!!! ok, John wants t...
Posted by John is an ::UH-MAZING:: {{UH-DIC-SHUN}} on Wed, 23 Nov 2005 06:08:00 PST