Myspace Layouts at / Gurlz jus wanna have fun
Myspace Layouts at / Gurlz jus wanna have fun
Member Since: 2/22/2008
Band Members:" We MaY NoT Be PeRfEcT GuRls... ShIt, OuR HaIr DoEsN't StAy In PlAcE & we SpIlL tHiNgS sOmEtImEs... We CaN bE pReTtY cLuMsY & sOmEtImEs hAvE bRoKeN hEaRtS... wE MigHt FiGhT wItH eAcH oThEr & mAyBe SoMe DaYs NoThInG gOeS hOw We PlAnNeD iT 2 Be... BuT wHeN we ThInK aBoUt iT & tAkE a StEp BaCk, We rEmEmBeR hOw AmAzInG lIfE tRuLy Is & ThAt MaYbE, jUsT mAyBe, We ArE a BiT UNPERFECT...... But 2 EaCh OtHeR wE aRe PERFECT" "
Sounds Like:
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None