MForce1 profile picture


Fuck me, my Myspace is THE top shit.

About Me

Who I am and what makes me tick is generally none of your fucking business.If you really want to annoy me though, I dislike 'txt spk' and the supposed 'alternative' movement. I've seen more originality in an IKEA catalogue. The misuse of exclaimation marks riles me too. Utterly needless almost every time they're used and when they are acceptable, one will do. If you can't type a sentence without culling letters/adding numbers/doing away with syntax in general, wear Converse All Star because you think it makes you stand out/you saw them on The O.C. or are generally an idiot, then please, leave now.

My Interests

###I Like:###My wonderful Girlfriend, Eating, Drinking (both coffee and alcohol), Music (of no specific genre, pigeon-holers), Reading, Biscuits, Travelling, Stickers, Football, Swearing, Motor Sport, Weather, New trainers, Cricket and the weird and wacky world of T'internet.###I Dislike:###Most people (don't take it personally, I'm just not interested in you), Having to work for a living, Global Warming and the Energy Crisis, Tea, Cheese, Biting my nails, Fish, Having to go to the gym because I'm a sausage-gut fatso, The majority of popular culture, Chelsea Tractors, Most other sports, People who say they hate stereotypes then bandy words like 'chav' around, My cunt of a sister, People who think they have an opinion on politics but actually know nothing (I'm looking at you, Moore-adoring Bush-bashers), Religion, GAP and Starbucks (including every single one of their maggoty fucking customers).

I'd like to meet:

In no particular order: Albert Einstein, Steven Hawking, Chris Morris, Eric Cantona, Banksy, Christopher WALken, Irvine Welsh, Joseph Heller, Kurt Cobain, Nicey & Wifey and Lee Trundle. But they're either dead, or not interested in meeting me.


The major ones are below, although it's by no means a comprehensive list.

I hope you agree that they all constitute good music. If you don't, you're entitled to your opinion. But it's wrong.


Wow, I, like, so like the movies too, they are OSSUM. All sorts, for instance:

Top stuff, ja?


No ta, it's 99% rubbish, watched by mindless zombies and run by shady Bildersburg people who want to scare you, make you believe you're stupid and take your money.


Yes, I can read! Like most of the World, I've read Dan Brown's 'The Da Vinci Code', which was good, but a touch throwaway. Alright for the toilet, which I suppose puts it in the same class as 'Viz' or 'Zoo'.


I don't really have any heroes, I'm afraid, but I do think the people on and deserve praise for continually making me laugh and giving me things to plagarise on this website. I also like to admire the work of Banksy and use it an inspiration. The World does have a chance after all. Cheers.