About Me
PREWEED krosavCHeGi!
!Prohod na dannij Profil strogo vospreschen licam do 18 let, osobenno tem, komu szakomi slavjanskie jazikovie narechija! ;}
"Das Betreten dieses Profils ist Usern unter 18 Jahren verboten,
insbesondere bei Personen denen slavische Sprachen geläufig sind"(c)
. [- "Huj-gang" Member. Name: Marco -]
[russian only]
[russian only]
. And_YES_: In all pictures I am on it! (who steals - dies)
That's all! And I don't have any other profiles or something! If you see someone using my pictures on other websites it's NOT ME!
. Thx for your Attention