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I am here for Friends

About Me

I got my MySpace Layout at have traveled as a seeker of Truth, Love, and Enlightment to places as far away as Thailand, Europe, the mountains of California, and the deserts of South West America. But living in the United States and merely traveling to exoctic places proved to not satisify my undying hunger for peace and understanding. Each time I returned from my adventures, my spirit would soon become restless and I was unable to stay focused on being One with Gaia and all my brothers and sisters of the world. I would falter, then fall from Consciousness. I believe in Unity, Grassroot Communties, Sustainable Living, Our Mother Earth, and You. I grew tired of my hypocrisy and that of the American government so I packed a few essentials and left most of my material and emotional baggage "back there" and moved to Costa Rica for one year.I have recently returned to the states to reconnect with my loved ones. However, I will continue to travel and most likely will move away again. I have found True Inner Peace, but always need a reminder.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

The Dalai Lama, Ben Harper, Michael Moore, Dave Matthews, Jon Stewart, Ravi Shankar, Tom Robbins, Sinead O'Connor, Erykah Badu, Gustav Klimt, Salvador Dali, Frida Kahlo, Liberals, Free-Thinkers, artists, poets, dancers, spinners, percussionists, Noam Chomsky, Charlie Rose, Dane Cooke, Steve Martin, Angelina Jolie, Buddhists, Hindus, your mom, ganja farmers, Woody Harrelson, Jerry Garcia, Ray Charles, Gandhi, Jack Johnson, David Byrne, Perry Farrell, Will Farrell, Robin Williams, Willy Nelson, Beck, Madonna,Timothy McSweeny (founder of McSweeney's zine and Gods and Godesses , John Kerry, Truth, Integrity, Love, an honest man or woman who won't break my heart or spirit, Kind Aliens from outer-space, Shamans, Homeopathology teachers, yoga masters, Gloria Steinbeck, environmentalits, Peace, Shiva, and people who Believe in the brother/sisterhood of humankind.

My Blog

A note of gratitude from Reggie

Every once in a great while, fate can throw you a curve ball that can be truly devastating. Last February I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and treated for it during the spring and summer....
Posted by on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 11:48:00 GMT

Vice Presidential Debates...drinking games

My husband and I went to the Barack Obama rally this morning in Grand Rapids. It was inspiring and we left feeling we will win this election! I am currently watching the vice president debates. I purc...
Posted by on Thu, 02 Oct 2008 18:22:00 GMT

Goodbye Cancer, Hello Husband!

Normally, when I blog, I pontificate for some time. But today, I'm shooting it straight. We just found out Reggie is cancer free!! We are ecstatic!! Last night was another long and sleepless nigh...
Posted by on Thu, 28 Aug 2008 12:25:00 GMT

A Message From Sarah Silverman Cancer....gotta laugh, or become a drug addict. I choose laugh.
Posted by on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 23:35:00 GMT

Stubborn Tumor

Alot has gone on since the middle of May. Reggie finished his radiation and chemotherapy and we finally moved home.  Being home proved to be much worse then the treatments at the hospital. R...
Posted by on Tue, 05 Aug 2008 16:00:00 GMT

Check out this event: Reggie Harper Cancer Benefit

That's right!! This is my blog. Buy tickets, come to the party. Suggested donation, $20!!  But we won't turn any one away. Website is in progress. Tix on sale now!!! contact Joni McCollum j...
Posted by on Sat, 19 Jul 2008 21:14:00 GMT

Fuck Cancer!!

Read with caution, lots of F-bombs!     What's it like, living with cancer? It fucking sucks!!!!!!! I'm on a fucking, nauseating, emotional roller coaster.Where has my Reggie gone? I'm not t...
Posted by on Tue, 13 May 2008 08:43:00 GMT

Reggie Treatment Weeks Six and Seven

Upon Reggie's request, I will recite my first poem I ever wrote, I was 9.  Welcome Spring, New Birth, we Rejoice!       The lilacs are growing all about;   &nbs...
Posted by on Fri, 02 May 2008 07:37:00 GMT

Reggie Treament Week Five

2 more weeks left!!! The end of week five brought us Spring,The Dalia Lama, Bloody Marys, and good friends.  Reg had a decent week, however he grew weaker towards the end. Early in the week...
Posted by on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 10:52:00 GMT

Reggie Treatment week Four

Reggie met my mom last week! It was great having her around.  We played Scrabble with Catrina and ate dinner together. We laughed a lot. Both my mother and Reg are pretty corny, so it was a good ...
Posted by on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 10:22:00 GMT