Peace Love Music Peace
Anything music related.
Spending time with my friends. Mainly because I hate staying at home.
Watching movies. Yes, I quote them.
Reading books. Yes, I write in them.
Moving. I hate being still, and I have a tendency to fidgit.
I enjoy most everything, with the exception of most Jesus music and bad country.
If you know of anything you think I might like let me know.
I pretty much like all types, anything that gets my attention. It would be too hard to make a list, but some of my top favorites are:
(In no specific order)
Imaginary Heroes
American History X
A Clockwork Orange
Requiem for a Dream
Driving Lessons
Little Miss Sunshine
The Doors
The Princess Bride
I think that I go for... crazy over the top dramas (Degrassi), pointlessly stupid reality shows (Flavor of Love), and anything that makes me laugh (Seinfeld).
I like any book that holds my attention long enough for me to finish it.
Into the Wild
All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten
The Harry Potter Series
Anything By or About Jim Morrison
Anything by:
-Jack Kerouac
-Dan Brown
-Friedrich Nietzsche
One of two things happen when you meet them, either they suck or they're just like you.