All that is good on this big planet (which includes the things that aren't really good, but they still aren't bad. You can figure that one out) !
Someone who would like to give enough money to make it though college. And maybe some money for a new car, and while there at it about $10,000 spending money a year! That's not going to happen though.
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Anything...Well almost anything! MXPX, Motion City Sound, and The Early November to name a few!
Motion City SoundTrack - Everything Is Alright
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Black Hawk Down, Behind Enemy Lines, Charlie and the Chocolete Factory, the longest yard, The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy, and i'm sure that The Bourne Ultamatuim will be sweet, and it was!..
I try not to watch to much TV, so what ever is on at the time!..
Anything by Ernest Hemingway, 'cause anyone who can write a love story/war story while completley wasted has my vote for anything!
The Stick-Man