The bukks profile picture

The bukks

About Me

High Energy Rock n´Roll band founded in Stockholm approx 2002. All the songs on My Space are taken from debutalbum "Rockets Ahead" released 2004. Kicks ass ! No heavyrock, no ProToolsrock and last but not least, no craprock !
We like the likes of Suicide, New York Dolls, Sex Pistols and all cool music all around the globe that has some blood in its vains. We also like going to cool places, talking to strange people, Seeing good bands, bag-in box-vodka, spicy food from around the world, psychobilly, girls and boys.

My Interests


Member Since: 20/10/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: P-A Wikander - drums/ Nik Barwe - bass/ Mikael Herrstrom - vox&git/ Lars Bygdén - vox&git

Influences: Sucide, Johnny Thunders, The Clash, Alice Cooper, The whole of the new york scene in the mid 70´s. Frank Sinatra, Dylan, STOOGES, MC 5 and 4, The Gun Club, etc etc...

Sounds Like: irregularities in the datastream
Record Label:
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

We beg your pardon...

That this page is rarely updated or attended to.The bukks are not really together anymore andthis page is more or less the last outpost to remindthe world what rock n´roll sounds like. And as weget t...
Posted by on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 16:11:00 GMT