JBoostie profile picture


I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

AIM - JBoostie696

Check my Facebook - http://du.facebook.com/profile.php?id=20206755

My Interests

SNOWBOARDING, Music and the bands that play it, Friends, staying alive, cars, same ol same ol

I'd like to meet:

mikey leblanc


Ask me if you care, its all over the place


Liar Liar, Bio-Dome, Tommy Boy, Half-Baked, Gone in 60 Seconds, South Park Movie, Super Troopers, Eurotrip, Detroit Rock City, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Caddyshack, and thats just the tip of the iceberg...
Your True Nature by llScorpiusll
The quality that most appeals to you: Creativity
In a survival situation, you: Run like hell
Your hidden talent is: Spiritual wisdom
Your gift is: Sexual prowess
In groups, you: Don't fit in
Your best quality is: Your abundant energy
Your weakness is: Being predictable

Quiz created with MemeGen !


Scrubs, Just about anything on Comedy Central or the food network, Entourage, MXC, CSI


The Phantom Tollbooth-Greatest book written

My Blog

funny funny funny

This is about the funniest aim convo on the planet, read em and weep (or laugh)JBoostie696 (11:53:38 PM): hows the wife?IKilledKenny21x (11:54:34 PM): dead in the basement...she refused to go down on ...
Posted by JBoostie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST