Reading, writing, running, drawing, eating, talking, thinking, and...dancing?
Billy Graham, Chris Martin, Timothy Hawkinson, Ghandi, Martin Luther,and Steve Prefontaine.
Coldplay, Sleeping at Last, The Perishers, Leeland, Mae Keane, Mindy Smith, David Crowder, and so many more.
Disney movies (Flight of the Navigator), The Last Samurai, Braveheart, Star Wars, LOTR, Trading Places, The Count of Monte' Cristo, Napoleon, and more.
I really don't watch TV, except for news and sports now. I think I'm getting old.
The Good Word, Running with The Buffalos, Pre, More Than a Carpenter, Pursuit of Holiness, C.S. Lewis, Lee Strobel, and College Text (ZZZ).
All the apostles from the Bible, all the Christian martyrs who have died for the Truth and missonaries serving all around, thanks.