Go white boy!!
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I'd like to meet a male that cares the same amount about himself as I care about myself, in other words, he has to be physically and mentally maintained. I am really into healthty lifestyles so he would have to be too, but he still needs to be able to relax and have fun. The huge catcher would have to be that he would have to be really patient and be able to put up with my crap becuase I will definitly throw a lot his way. I am very high maintenance and I will be the first to admit it. Plus, he needs to give just that right amount of attention, enough to make me feel loved but not too much that I get annoyed...is that too much to ask??
I am really into reggae and alternative right now. I'd have to say that my favorite cd is MIA Arular...she fuckin' blows anyone out of the water right now with originality. Her beats are amazing! I like anything with a good beat that I can dance to. I don't really like any country and not a lot of metal. My mixed cds are always really random...it is better that way though.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Meet Joe Black, CRASH, Dumb and Dumber, Ace Ventura When Nature Calls, Shawshank Redemption, The Thomas Crown Affair, Fight Club...etc, I love movies a lot.
What Not to Wear, The Runway, Unwrapped, The Real World
Dante's Inferno, A Time to Kill, The DaVinci Code, Angels and Demons...any Calvin and Hobbes comic books (I have two and I love them)
Anyone who was once a loser and decided to make something of themselves.