Well, a few things about me...
You can usually find me working. I do IT work for an afterhours company so I am on call most evenings and weekends. I graduated a few years ago and got my BAS in Information systems with a minor in Bus Admin.
Outside of work I am all about smiling, having fun, and laughing as much as possible.
I love to surf, exercise, wakeboard, ride the beach cruiser to multiple bars and meet the friendliest of people just like myself.
I have already traveled around the world once, and I would like to do it again, many times. Traveling is probably my favorite thing to do. During the summer I go to the river as much as possible, sit at the beach or just hang out anywhere were the sun is shining. During the winter I love the cold and rainy days and just relaxing with a movie and a soft blanket:)
I am all about smiling
Respecting others and yourself
Giving 110% at everything I do
Remembering who your real friends are
And lastly, rocking out as loud as possible
While drinking the cheapest beer possible.
I don't have very much chest hair.
"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift."
- steve prefontaine
"When I read about the evils of drinking....I gave up reading. " -105.3
"If you don't have any confidence in yourself, then have confidence in failing because that will then be certain."
-Me"Today I will do what you won't, so that tomorrow, I can do what you can't"
"Living at risk is jumping off the cliff and building your wings on the way down"