hanging out with Friends, vacationing, boys, shopping, boys, hersheys kisses, kissing in general, hugs!, free food, contra!, Bickfords at 3 am ooohhhh mannnn, well defined jawlines, Summer, boys, lets just say "studying" in librarys (=, street performers, the T, bus drivers who AREN'T cranky! the sexy sixxxx, Rainy Days, cuddling, feeding pigeons and squirrels,boys, ice skating, skipping backwards, sommersaults, sunshine &lollipops &rainbows &everything thats WONDERFUL!use of the word "Peachy" and all the rest, y'know, the usual.
The Love of my life, whoever invented mu shu pork.
Anything that happens to be on the radio....except for heavy metal...ugh....
Mary Poppins! lol fav movie of all time (:
SCURBS! Simpsons (do'h!)
MAGIC TREE HOUSE SERIES!!! lol 3 dat shizzit! oh, and tuesdays w/ morrie! cried my EYES out at that one...yes, sad, I know.
mum and dad i guess...