Working out, Going to see movies with the kids. Shopping with Chassy... Also, I like to read and play spades on game zone. I enjoy scratch off lottery tickets. So please, can we have a winner here?
I'd like to meet Jesus. Someday, somewhere. I'm pretty sure I see him in most people anyways. Join the Hillary Grassroots Campaign WWW.MYSPACE.COM/HILLARYCLINTON2008
Listening to I enjoy "Douglas Spotted Eagle and most Native American Music. The drums and the flute calls to my soul. I also enjoy streaming in the mornings. I miss my KQ morning show from Minneapolis. I like listening to my 70's music. What's better than 'NAZARETH':Love hurts? Queen?
I love a comedy, any day. When I was younger, I loved the scary movies... I can't do that much anymore. Growing old is scary enough. I love SHREK... What can I say? I'm a kid at heart!
HOUSE! Oh, and did I mention HOUSE? Okay, I also like Survivor, America's Next Top Model, The Biggest Loser, Dr.Phil...
Favorite authors are: James Patterson, Stephen King, Janet Evanovich. From one side to the other. I like books that come in a series. James Patterson is great for this. When a book is finished I want to be able to pick up again with the same characters.
My mom and dad. My son Shawn, my daughter Chassy. My one and only brother and my two sisters. Love also siblings to my kids, Brian Wade and Miss Angela... I love you ALL and please know; My life would be incomplete with out you AND your continued support for me. For that I am truly grateful.