I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (www.strikefile.com/myspace)
This is me.
"mAddZeianz", pronounced more or less "mad science", came from the concept that, as scientific and technological advances are made, they do not form evidence against the existence of a God, a Creator, but rather reinforce the notion, as if only a being of such unimaginable magnitude could create a universe so intricately designed yet simply built, enormous in its infinity and in its minuscule, fractal structure. The belief that, as the stewards of this world, we have a certain and great responsibility of humanity to it and to its every inhabitant. That the things science cannot explain are the things too grand for a human mind to understand, but are those which the human soul knows with unfaltering certainty to be true. In the dark fairy tales of the past, the tales of Dr.s Jekyll and Frankenstein and of many others, these were thought of as fascinating nightmares, and yet today they are rapidly becoming the ordinary. But the ordinary is something to be challenged. Tradition for tradition's sake is abandoned, but the truth of it can never change. It merely re-manifests and takes new form, and as it does so, we must curve our minds in new ways to understand that truth, ourselves, the universe around it, and the One who set it all in motion and continues to beautify His creation and watch over and guide it with a love beyond comprehension.
I could write a whole book on this if I really wanted to, but words are weak and forming full sentences is not for me (this very paragraph took far longer to create than it should have). So instead, you may listen.