For the ones who really know me and love me... They know that I can be a bit misunderstood. And at times I guess thats ok =) Im not here for new and more friends... I love the hand full of the ones that I have and that have been there for me no matter what... for that I love each of you! (You know who u r) =)For the ones that dont know me... there really isnt a reason to try to explain the Tiffany that you would have a hard time understanding threw the computer and besides... If I wanted you to know me, I would go to =) lolTwilder
Cool Slideshows!
Cool Slideshows!NZINGHA
AMAZON QUEEN OF MATAMBA WEST AFRICA (1582-1663)A very good military leader who waged war against the savage slave-hunting Europeans. This war lasted for more than thirty years. Nzingha was of Angoloan descent and is known as a symbol of inspiration for people everywhere. Queen Nzingha is also known by some as Jinga by others as Ginga. She was a member of the ethnic Jagas a militant group that formed a human shield against the Portuguese slave traders. As a visionary political leader, competent, and self sacrificing she was completely devoted to the resistance movement. She formed alliances with other foreign powers pitting them against one another to free Angola of European influence. She possessed both masculine hardness and feminine charm and used them both depending on the situation. She even used religion as a political tool when it suited her. Her death on December 17, 1663 helped open the door for the massive Portuguese slave trade. Yet her struggle helped awaken others that followed her and forced them to mount offensives against the invaders. These include Madame Tinubu of Nigeria; Nandi, the mother of the great Zulu warrior Chaka; Kaipkire of the Herero people of South West Africa; and the female army that followed the Dahomian King, Behanzin Bowelle.