*If you don't understand how a woman could both love her sister dearly and want to wring her neck at the same time, then you were probably an only child. *
Hey I'm Alison -nods- So yeah, I'm weird, I'm random, but that's just part of my charm O:-)
Okay, so i guess i should prolly say some things about me *bah* so yeah, my spelling sucks (but i just got a new dictionary/thesaurus for christmas), and i never capitalize my "i"s (nor do i dot them). accept and except are two very different words (i will not accept the fact that your mom is making cookies, your mom's cookie making is an exception), and y'all is not spelled "ya'll" (the apostraphe goes where the missing letters are, silly goose!). I spell favourite with a 'u' but only use old english spellings for other words when i feel like it. there are a few words that i can spell, namely schizophrenia
I love meeting new people, they amuse me. :)
im easily confused, and can get quite random depending on my mood and who im with, but at the same time i can stay completely focused for days at a time and can have a serious conversation if i want to. I go to UW Madison, i love Psychology, and i want to go into researching the brain to help people with various disorders and mental illnesses. I love the concept of meta cognition, its like you're learning about things you've known all your life, you've just never thought of it before.
I'm a fairly calm, passive person...but if you talk shit about my cassander-a, well then, I'm kind of a bitch. I kill you. :)
don't expect to understand anything i say, just get used to it :P
I'm a happy optimistic person. I love my friends, i love my family, and i love my life. There are people i don't get along with, but i basically like everyone, no exceptions. Don't even try to bring me down.
And for Katy: Shoefull....yeah whatcha gonna do about it.
oh yeah, and every third tuesday of the month is happy sunshine rainbow sprinkle glitter tuesday! (long story)