Courtesy of SparkleTags.com
O.K. - O.K. ... so now we've got a new group identity and a "new" logo ... (to be modified / made a bit fresher we assure you) ... but if you are our ACTUAL friends you'll remain so until we can draft a new charter for our new group identity (blah, blah, blah ...). We have FINALLY figured out the basic content for our charter but (since life has been happening to us as we have been making our grand plans) it will STILL be a while before we can post it - say another 6 months or so.Meantime - hell yeah - we STILL are about speech rights (fuck that shit about it being "free!!!" The FACT is ... the expression of ... life ... costs and you've got to buy it. PERIOD!)Anyway ... we're hanging in there so you do the same and we'll draft a ball busting new charter (by and by) that'll be SURE to get you eating your hearts out and / or crawling under a rock it'll be so societally shattering.Until then we want to express our warmest, heartfelt, "FUCK OFF" to you!!!Sam - out!Myspace Backgrounds
Courtesy of SparkleTags.com