I'd Like To Meet interesting people... People who can hold an intelligent conversation and make me laugh. People who aren't fake as hell and not stuck up or conceited. Most importantly people who are real and like to have a good time. As Far as famous people go, i'd like to me Queen Latifah, Carmelo Anthony, Lil' Wayne, Nelly, Chris Brown, and Angela Basset.I'd aLso LiKe To MeEt This Cute, Cuddly, Guy naMeD Pooh Bear!!
(-->a FeW WoRds FoR My HateRs<--)
¤GeT oN MaH LeVeL
¤FucK U i RoCk!
¤iD FeEL The SaMe Way
¤Yadi Ya...and U R??
¤im F.R.E.S.H.
¤itZ ConFiDenCe SweeTy
¤sCrEw u iM CoOL
¤uMm R u Done yeT?
¤and MoSt importantly THANK YOU!!