~♥Everynight I thank the universe♥~ profile picture

~♥Everynight I thank the universe♥~

And if we all explode, see we would never know..but I just hope the pieces of my soul, reach out to

About Me

Im 24 years old, Im short (dont ask how short) I like to think of myself as a good person. I'm never really mean to anyone, unless they really get on my nerves...And even then I'm still nice at times. Sometimes Im way too nice lol. I've noticed that its easier for nice people to get stepped on... And Ive been stepped on quite a few times. Anyway...I love friends and family...Alot of the time I consider most of my friends, family...I love any kind of art... drawing..painting...charcol work. I love music, reading, chattin with friends.
With all that said, I do have a disability and its something I have to deal with everyday, no its not easy but I have it easier than some people on this earth in that department so I try my best not to take the ability to walk and do things others may not for granted. Sometimes It may upset me that Im different but in many ways we all are. If anyone has an issue with me having a disability...thats fine...just dont deal with me then, because guess what Ive figured out? It wont change. Its who I am and if anyone does'nt like it, they dont have to pay no attention to me. Love me for who I am, Not for who you think I can be. Ive had alot happen in my life that is helping me to see that you have to live in the now. The past cannot be changed. And you can not predict your future. Ive done things Im not proud of and things I am, but then again Im sure thats everyone. I love because its all I have known...No matter what is going on around me, at any time or place..either bad or good, I know there is someone who loves me; who knows me and cares for me as I am, Not because they see a picture on myspace and think Im "cute." Although I do appriciate the compliments. What you see is what you get, take it or leave it, If not sad for you.
As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.

My Interests

I Am A Daughter, A Sister, A Grand-Daughter,A Neice, A cousin, A Friend. I Am A Partner, A student, A Young Girl, And A Grown Woman. I Am Confident And Scared Terrified And Excited. I Am Loving And Caring, And Thoughtful And Hopeful. I Am Sick And I Am Tired. I Am Shy And Friendly, And Careful And Careless. I Am Broken And Whole. I Am Misunderstood, Misguided, And Mislead. I Am Hard Working And Determined, But A Little Scared On The Inside. I Wish On Stars And Dreams My Dreams. I Pray To God And Cry My Tears. I Smile On The Outside. While I'm Dying On The Inside. I Listen To Others Who Won't Listen To Me. I Walk On Eggshells, And I Walk On. I Love You And I Push You Away. I Want You But Not So Close. I Am Everything And Nothing All At Once. And All I Want Is For You To Love Me.
1) Are you a chick or a dude? chick

2) What's your lucky number? 2

3) Do you pray? yes

4) Ever wish on stars? yes

5) Do you believe in karma? yes

6) What's your zodiac sign? aries

7) Have you ever almost died? yes
8) Ever broken any bones? no

9) Do you cry during sad movies? most of the time

10) Do you like to dance? yes

11) Ever laid under the stars? yes

12) Ever sat on a rooftop? yes

13) Is there a such thing as a soulmate? yes

14) Could you live without the television? no

15) Could you live without music? no

16) Do you have any self inflicted scars? just from bein clumbsy

17) What do you dislike the most about life? i dont understand it..

18) Have you ever been to jail? no

19) Ever had a job for less than a day? no

20) Ever been fired on your first day? no

21) Ever been fired because of your attitude? no

22) Do you get jealous of other people? yes sometimes

23) Would you rather love someone or be loved? be loved

24) What's under your bed right now? everything

25) Have you ever done anything illegal? yes

26) Have you ever been dumped? yes

27) Ever dumped somebody? yes

28)How cool are you? on a scale from 1 to 10 im a 8 lol

29) Do you support abortion? thats a hard one you cant just answer yes or no..

30) Who's your best friend? Princess Pee Pee.

32) Do you wear the same clothes two days in a row? no.

33) Have you ever drove someone crazy? Yes always

34) Ever bullied someone? no

35) Ever done the Macarena? yes

36) Do you act your age? sometimes

37) Is it okay to disrespect your parents? no..

38) Do you flush the toilet when you're done? Yes

39) How long do you stay in the shower? 30 mins

40) What kind of soap do you use? Whatever my mom buys lol...

41) Are mullets cool? whatever floats your boat.

42) Spiderman, Batman, or Superman? Spiderman

43) Do you like your middle name? it kinda grew on me

44) Has anyone ever cheated on you? yes

45) Ever cheated on someone? no

46) What's your favorite animal? white tiger

47) Favorite flower? Purple Roses

48.) Have you ever shaved your head? no

49) Do you think marijuana should be legal for medicinal use? yes

50) Do you think it is okay to drink and drive? no

51) If you won $1 million dollars, what would you buy first? A house

52) Do you fear terrorism? somewhat

53) How many serious relationships have you had? 2

54) What's your favorite candle scent? Mandarin Peach

55) Do you use profanity? Yea sometimes too much

56) Who's the last person you talked to online? Oshie

57) What's something you're ashamed of? If im ashamed of it why would I wanna talk about it with everyone?

58) What woke you up this morning? The rain

59) What did you dream about last night? Someone chasing me...or at least I think it was me...I dont remember.

60) Ever been to the zoo? yes

61) How many beers did you have today? 0

62) What's the last movie watched? The Covenant

63) Are you usually late or on time? On time

64) What's a cartoon you watch often? I dont really watch cartoons but if I had to pick...Spongebob lol.

65) Do you have any imaginary friends? Not anymore my best friend and my imaginary friend got into an arguement over me.

66) Are you waiting on something right now? Yea, for my best friend to get the love she deserves.

67) Who's pretty? My Neice Nevaeh

68) Who's ugly? Oprah without make up...wait thats mean.

69) Are you worried about something? yes

70) Ever swam in the ocean? Yea but it creeps me out cause i think something is either gonna bite my feet or imma step on somethin..

I'd like to meet:

Id love to meet...Sweet, loving, and open minded people. I like people with a good sense of humor but know when they need to be serious. I love meeting new people and one thing I can't stand are people who tell me one thing they feel about me and then when Im not around they think or say something else. If you dont like me tell me, if you do? GREAT!

Create your own Friend Quiz hereLeave me love!

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My sister...

This is my sister Vanessa... She gave birth to twins...my first neice and nephew on July 3rd. They are adorable...and Vanessa and Dominic have been amazing parents and Ive seen them in a whole different way these past 5 months. Its been an AMAZING experience being a Tia.. I love my sister very much and her and I will always cherish special bond that not many get to share with their sisters. We know what eachother is thinking just by looking at eachother at times. We laugh at nothing and everything. We annoy eachother like crazy then hug. We act stupid together then laugh at eachother about it. There is too many words to describe her..I cant explain it..well I could..but if I did Id be writing a novel. Shes a pain in the butt, loving, loveable, great mom, great sis...well you get it shes great. She has remarkable strength and character. Shes one person in the world Id do just about anything for.

My Blog


Ok so ive been having a crazy month with the babies..But through it all ive been getting alot closer to someone who has become an important person in my life..shes kept me sane by talking to me about ...
Posted by ~♥Everynight I thank the universe♥~ on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 10:35:00 PST

Im a Tia! <3

I should have posted this blog before but I didnt..kept forgetting..! lol I HAVE A NEW NEICE AND NEPHEW *DANCES* They were born on July 3rd..They are so adorable...Elijah Nathaniel Duran...now this li...
Posted by ~♥Everynight I thank the universe♥~ on Wed, 12 Jul 2006 05:37:00 PST

Laura A. Walker

I attended a funeral today of an amazing woman...I first met her when I was very very young...and I only have bits of memories of her...But today...seeing her family...hearing her stories...hearing th...
Posted by ~♥Everynight I thank the universe♥~ on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 03:20:00 PST

Whats the point....

Someone give me the point that we are here on earth? Cause right now im not feelin it...
Posted by ~♥Everynight I thank the universe♥~ on Mon, 19 Jun 2006 10:32:00 PST

o.0 Feelings oohhhh feelingsss *stops singing* *looks around*

Ugh...Feelings are so draining...lol feeling things for someone when you know they dont feel the same...SUCKS lol but at least I still have my health *coughs* Grrrr ok maybe not..lol but then again, y...
Posted by ~♥Everynight I thank the universe♥~ on Mon, 06 Feb 2006 06:09:00 PST

I'm fat, I'm thin, I'm short, I'm tall...

  Don't Laugh At Me Mark WillsI'm a little boy with glasses The one they call the geek A little girl who never smiles 'Cause I've got braces on my teeth And I know how it feels To cry myself to s...
Posted by ~♥Everynight I thank the universe♥~ on Mon, 16 Jan 2006 08:41:00 PST


Ok so I havent posted in forever...I know I know...Forgive me please...well heres my Christmas gift to all my fans...I mean friends...Im posting...and OMG...Im gonna be an aunt...I found out like...
Posted by ~♥Everynight I thank the universe♥~ on Thu, 29 Dec 2005 02:08:00 PST

So lost...

LOST   A retired word Can still pierce a nerve Can still be heard And you get what you dont deserve   Your raging feelings Your regretted words The spinning ceilings And a side unheard  ...
Posted by ~♥Everynight I thank the universe♥~ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


OH AND P.S. I dont hate the post office much anymore......MY PACKAGE WENT THROUGH FINALLY!!!!!!! YAY...ok im gone...
Posted by ~♥Everynight I thank the universe♥~ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


damn people are losers...acting like they freakin care and then they do something so selfish and so stupid just to...i dont even know why...get a reaction out of me? make me cry? make me hurt? I just ...
Posted by ~♥Everynight I thank the universe♥~ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST