We are just regular people enjoying and examining the countless themes of life.
These are our thoughts translated from human feeling into progressive action through music that we all enjoy. Music is love.
Bands we've shared the stage with:
A Rocket To the Moon, The Aircrash, Anaston, Audrye Sessions, Betrayer, Breakpoint, Brighten, Case In Theory (x2), Citabria, DownDownDown, Father Paolo, Fiending For Something Beautiful, Ghosted, Hillpeople, Joybot (x2), Kinderghost, Kyle Reece (x3), Metabear, Montana 1948, Pericardium, Phantom Float (x2), Picture Atlantic, The Pilots Wife, PK, Please Do Not Fight, The Strategy, Subruckus, Task At Hand, Tractor Beams, Via Ansible, Westwood And Willow, Within High Walls