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My Interests


I'm a TOOL


Intrigue and Mystery


Only dulls the mind of those inhabitants of the Lazy Boy lifestyle


I love to read but only when I find the time... Which is rare these days. When I start a book that I get sucked into it's completed in a matter of hours. A most recent favorite is "The Art of Dreaming" by Carlos Castaneda... Since I read this book, and many more on the topics of Metaphysics and such, I find myself instantly sucked into the most vivid visuals feasts as soon as the lids of my eyes close down for a wink of sleep. Instantly I am spiraling down further and farther feeling more connected and intertwined with the spirit that carries me. I even have the power to will myself to awake at any time during my slumbering dream states. I have many vivid dreams per night and am coming closer and closer to fully unlocking the doors of dreaming...


Donkey Balls