Miss Felony profile picture

Miss Felony

I am here for Friends

About Me

Other Aliases:
HrdcorLife, DRottenGrl, Gen, Felony, Miss Felony Warrant, Sixty8NiOu1 & SweetShot4you (x-box360 gamertags)
Favorite Quotes:
#1- "A good friend will come bail you out of jail...
A TRUE friend will be sitting next to you saying,
"Damn, that was fun!!" 
#2- "People like you are the reason
         people like me need medication"  
#3- "Some days it's just not worth
          chewing thru the restraints!" 
#4- "I might be an adult, but I'm a minor at heart!"
                                (minor threat)
#5- "Well behaved women rarely make history."
Bad habits:
I'm impulsive, I speak my mind, I like getting what I want, I like to sleep late (I'm kinda nocturnal), I "don't work well with others", I seem to "have trouble with authority figures", I smoke, I drink (Southern Comfort or champagne preferrably!), I gotta have my coffee (anytime/all the time), I can be lazy, I can be a bitch, and I drink out of the milk jug in the fridge. I'm sure there's more, but I only have one page, right?? ...Besides, perfection is an unrealistic expectation for anyone. We are, after all, only human.
Some things I hate:
Discussing religion & politics, ecocide, unethical treatment of animals, superficial people, "9 to 5" jobs, being told "no", assholes, snobby ho's, & people who think I should change.
Some thoughts on life & love:
I believe it's not really about having what you want.
...It's more about wanting what you have.
Having what you want is fine, but having what you need will do. Too many people overlook, ignore, or take for granted what they've got right in front of them. Appreciate the things that you already have... friends, family, lover, kids, dog... whatever.
'Cause when it's over, you'll see it was really the small intangible moments spent with them that made life worthwhile... all the things that you remember most, that truly brought happiness, & that meant the most to you. And though it's cliche, it's still very true...
"Little things mean alot", y'know?.
Would You Choose love or money?
(click to take this quiz)

I would choose Love ... Money may buy a little materialistic happiness, but it could never buy true love. I'd much rather have a soulmate than a mansion. And while many people may claim that they would choose love, too...
I'm one of the few who would really do it.
*And that's true. I've passed up $ for love lotsa times.*
The "How are you in love?" Quiz:
(click to take this quiz)
I take a while to fall in love with someone. Trust takes time... I tend to give more than take in relationships, and can get very attached when I'm with someone.
I love my partner unconditionally & don't try to make them change. I stay in love for a long time, even if I'm not loved back. And when I fall, I fall hard.
* Yep... exteremely accurate, really.*

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I like to meet real, fun-loving, down to earth, honest, "tell it like it is" kinds of people who don't take everything too seriously, & have a good sense of humor. Shallow, (and/or) selfish, rude, egotistical, gold-digging, obnoxious, "holier than thou" types of people just don't do it for me.Keep it real, know what I mean? ...Good friends are hard to find, but always welcome!

(that are surprisingly f*n accurate, LOL!)

What color am I?:
BLACK: People in black like the wild side (to the sexual extreme). These people prefer to seek out their own kind. Getting entangled with those who may not be aroused by the same things as them, or who may not understand their sexuality, may cause them to lose their balance. They can be moody, and may get just as much enjoyment out of sex when their mood is black as when they are flying high.


How Kinky Am I?:

    Pick up the whip & lace up those come-f***-me boots! You definitely qualify as kinky, and not just occasionally! You've exhausted every fantasy, but are always open to new ones and fun fetishes. You seem cool, collected, and complex - but underneath it all you are challenge for anyone. Your aloofness is a dare, and you consider power to be a total turn on. No short-term love affairs for you. You like security, & don't consider yourself cheap. Though your attitudes toward sex may be outwardly conservative, you're the most satisfying sex partner anyone's ever had... And you never kiss and tell! You're very concerned that pleasure be shared. Your favorite foreplay activity is 69!


Who is my Inner Goddess?:
The smoke clears to reveal that inside you is a divine diety, VENUS, the Goddess of Love & Beauty. Popular and pretty, you fill men with desire. You have a very feminine way about you. And although you've perfected the art of innocent flirting, beneath that naive exterior lies a woman ready to hit the sheets & get busy. Smooth as silk in sexual situations, you know just how to make your lovers melt. You awe men with your sexual confidence & skilled performance. You are a diva of delight...


Your Personality Is Like:
  Cocaine ..      
You're dynamic, brilliant, and alluring to those who don't know you. Hyper and full of energy, you're usually the last one to leave a party.
At your best: You're confident, euphoric, and feel like you're on top of the world.
What people like about being around you:
You're intense and overpowering.
What people dislike about being around you:
You can be arrogant... and a bit of a bitch.
How addicted people get to you: Incredibly addicted. And hanging around with you isn't cheap!

What type of Fairie am I?:
As a Fire Faerie, you are unique and different. You set your own styles, and don’t follow others. You are out going, and love to be the center of attention. You are also very comical, and can put a smile on anyone’s face.
* yep.. that's me!! :) *


Miss Felony's Super Villain Quiz results:
You are Mystique

Mystique 80%
Catwoman 72%
Poison Ivy 65%
Dark Phoenix 61%
Venom 60%
The Joker 45%
Mr. Freeze 42%
Green Goblin 40%
Two-Face 40%
Riddler 39%
Dr. Doom 28%
Apocalypse 25%
Magneto 23%
Lex Luthor 18%
Kingpin 16%
Juggernaut 12% Sometimes motherly, sometimes a beautiful companion, but most of the time a deceiving vixen.
Click here to take the Super Villain Personality Test

I'm 91% Non Conformist!       How 'Bout You??

You're incredibly strange... And a weirdness like yours takes skill to cultivate!
No one really understands you, And you're cool with that.
You just hope you never have to understand them!
* LOL, once again, so very true! *

(LOL!!) ...How punk am I?:
I am 99% Punk Rock! ...I am PUNK AS FUCK!! The model punk (LOL... is there such a thing?). I care not for anything (*well, that's the 1% that's not true, I guess*) & I kick ass, but probably smell really bad (*nah, not that bad, honest!*).
* and though this lil' quiz was cool, I hate "labels"... I am, & always have been, just me... like it or not. *



The Misfits (Saturday Night Live appearance)

Robin Williams is... Elmer Fudd

One last thought on an environmental note...
Taking care of the Earth, its wildlife, and our natural resources is a responsibility that we should all share. Conserve and preserve, & all that jazz. Even just a little bit helps!! ...Give a stray animal a home, don't be a litterbug, recycle, plant a tree, do something... ANYTHING.



* P.S.~ Layout by Felony... I pimped my f*n page myself. *

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Posted by on Fri, 23 May 2008 09:50:00 GMT

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Posted by on Sun, 11 May 2008 21:19:00 GMT

One of My Favorite Jokes...

A little boy is playing with his football and a little girl asks if she can play. He tells her, "No. These are for boys." The little girl runs into the house & tells her mother. The next day the ...
Posted by on Sun, 11 May 2008 12:12:00 GMT