Girls' noses, especially if they are big or unusual. I also like bunnies and baby rhinos.
Someone who looks like Morena Baccarin and has the lightsaber skills of Luke Skywalker. She must also have the abilities to read and breakdance.
Metal, hardcore, 70s and 80s pop. Maybe I will get around to posting bands by name like all the cool kids. Even if it is not something I am into I can respect music if it is done well.
Star Wars, Das Boot, Cool Hand Luke, My Neighbor Totoro, Muriel's Wedding, Any Akira Kurosawa, Touch of Evil, Raising Arizona, Uncle Buck, Strange Brew, Big Night, To Die For
Arrested Development (RIP), Reno 911, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Cheaters, Home Movies, Farscape (RIP), Homicide (RIP), Mythbusters, Dirty Jobs, The Office (British), NewsRadio (RIP), The Kids in the Hall, The Daily Show, Mystery Science Theater 3000, WKRP In Cincinnati, Scrubs. I also watch too much TV Land late at night.
Watership Down, Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison, Any by Walter Mosley, Any by James Ellroy, Any by Neil Gaiman, The Blind Assassin, Discworld books by Terry Pratchett, Lolita, Peyton Place
George Washington Carver. Seriously, peanut butter is the greatest invention OF ALL TIME.