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About Me

This is Miriji all. I am that I am. Creating new things, seeing things from a new perspective, and exploring the unknown are my way. In my book, those who know, dont know, and those who dont know, know. 3 things are more important to me than anything else. Truth, Love, Humility. Their order of importance easily being, Humility, Humility, Humility.
Life is far to deep, and rich with the stuff of infinity for me to go about saying I understand it all. I would rather seek the truth about things through ways of compassion, and selfless service to the universal. Above all else, i am in support of living, and letting others live by whatsoever code they deem fit. The laws of action and reaction are infalable, and so i let the universe work take care of itself. I mostly concern myself with making music.
If I had one request for the peoples of this planet earth, it would be simple. Love one another, the way we need love, and make sure EVERY CHILD of the living God HAS FOOD. Live by life, and practice the ways of compassion for ALL LIVING BEINGS. Together we can do anything. Divided we have already failed.
Weve all been taught that if we dont get ahead well fall behind. Makes you wonder how long is the line... Weve all been told from day one, that we should rise to the top... one question. How far is it from the bottom? I for one, am a member of the human race, and not the rat race of this modern day world. This means I enjoy a divine birth rite in the oneness of the almighty, and extend my love to all beings in creation.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

All human beings I take as my family. And indeed, all life is one in my book. So i would love to meet the Soul of any and every creature in my life.

My Blog

Finding Peace

Live with Love There is just not enough time in life to count ones blessings.  If you tried, you would certainly be pressed for time, and most likely fail to make a counting of them before the da...
Posted by on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 22:21:00 GMT