HumBuzzer profile picture


About Me

HUMBUZZER will be the name of my first Album, when completed over the coming months. I am recording my video with Garret Maguire (seen as Garret on my friend list) contact him if you are interested in working with a professional cameraman and online editor. Andrew McCaul a handy brother to have with a camera is my pro photographer. Michael Slowey is on Bass and vocals and Cathal Brady is on percussion. ................................ .............................................. .......................................... .......................................... .............................................. ...................If you want some fun...... check out 'the tag game' for a look at the place where I practice my music in 'My Photos'.......A picture is worth a thousand words..................... ............................................... ................................................. ............................................................ ..........................THE BAZOOMER or HUMBUZZER This home-made instrument is called either a bazoomer or a humbuzzer (Hambuzzer, umbuzzer, hombuzzer, humbuzer, hummbuzzer, humbazzer are all mis-spellings). Both names give pretty good descriptions of the musical tones it produces. It consists of a cardboard cylinder, which may be a card- board mailing tube or a tube of the kind that comes inside a roll of paper towels. It should be about 10 inches long and have about a 3-inch diameter, although the dimensions are not very important. Punch four or five small holes through the tube about V/z inches from one end, or else arrange these holes in a line, as on a fife. Then cover the end with a square of waxed paper, held in place by string or a rubber band. Now hum a tune into the open end and see what happens. The instrument will increase the sound volume to quite an amazing degree and give it a resonant, booming quality. By covering the holes with your fingers, you can produce different notes.................................... .............................................. ............................................. .............................................. ............................................................ ...............................................THE SONG BELOW is called 'Going to Dublin'. It was captured professionally by Maguire Media. If you want to record a video like this or with your own twist in the Ireland/UK area send Garret (on friend list) a message. This tune tries to describe where all your friends are on the weekends, when your small town just has tumble weed and old people roaming the streets. Its like the Pied Piper tune (The Pied Piper of Tullivin), when you listen to it for a while you can feel Dublin getting closer and closer. Going to Dublin, Cormac McCaul
This video is from the Farnham Hotel Cavan at 'The Origins Summer Showcase'. The video was by Garret Maguire. I wrote this song on the same day back a few years ago as 'Davy Crockett' (unposted) after fixing my neighbours 12 string (I even painted the grain back with oilpaint on the woodfill job that was needed at the base) . It had a western vibe 'Rancher 12 string' was written on the pick guard. I had to return it, but a few years later, my friend Robin Stewart gave me his grandfathers guitar in a black plastic bag. I was able to tell him by feeling it and holding it in the bag, that it was strangely and coencidently, a Rancher 12 string. I knew before I even took it out. The guitar spirit had sent it back to me so I could play 'Peace Pipes' and 'Davy Crochett' with the right amount of something that brought the song's together in the first place. Peace Pipes
The Choir, A newer version, I hope you enjoy. Forgive the mirror effect even though it was recorded by Garret, I put the effect in afterwards, It had a cascading feel and brought the 'lost line' line out. The Choir by Cormac McCaul
These pictures were taken by my sister Ann-marie and my brother Andrew, between them and seperately they have some good eye's. The add's are my own twist on digital reality.

My Interests


Member Since: 2/20/2008
Band Website: Construction by
Band Members: At the moment I play live with two of the members of 'Sister Lovers' Michael Slowey on bass and backing vocal and Cathal Brady on percussion. I have played in a variety of musical setups with some very talented individuals such as Kieran Quigley of the Dundalk band 'Rumble', SeanOg McKiernan currently residing in China with his guitar, and folks such as Marty Boylan from Monaghan and Charles Bell from Dundalk. I have played in Impromptu sessions with Tom Flynn of Cavan and Jamie Byrne of 'IAMA' who can be noticed in some of my live recordings playing the bongo drum. I enjoy jamming to Irish music and anything else live that takes my imagination. I have played gigs from Toronto to Celbridge and in-between in the backs of cars, in alleyways, campsites, pubs and churches. One of my greatest musical encounters was in California with Professor Li Xiangting of the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing, China and his student Wang Fei. He is the world master of the Guqiu, an ancient Chinese instrument of high culture from one of the oldest stringed instrument traditions of over 2000 years. I got some great inspiration from their music and I also got to play a few tunes for Li Xiangting at Wang's housewarming party. Of course music patronage has kept me going over the years and my 12 string guitar was presented to me by Robin Stewart, and my cutrrent 6 string by John McCaul. My family including Niall McCaul (heard in 'Peace Pipes') and Mark McCaul who provided some of the inspiration behind 'Fell from Grace' and who plays lead guitar and rythm to a high standard. Also my parents Peter and Elizabeth who put me in the 'blue van' to go to my first piano lesson against my will. And not forgetting my late brother Kieran who was in the van with me and later started me on the road to my first songwriting attempt. All of these people are in my Band as are many others I met along the way. .
Influences: The Jazz Heads, The Classical Heads, The Trad Heads, The Country Heads, Elvis, Jug Bands, Young Country blues music peoples of 60, Jerry McBreen, Wes, The Rock and Roll Folk, The Folk Music, The Everyones, Thomas Moore, Peter McCaul, Dreams, Women, The Internet, Meeting thousands of people through work, Work, Neil Young, Drink, Chris Morash, College, Primary School teachers, My Mother, Seven Brothers, One Sister, Art, The Chineese under the floor during the revolutions, People that were forced to play music so much deafness came from boxed ears, Arisitotle, Propp, Paul DeMann, Accents, Jealousy, Fishing, Teaching, Industry Professionals, Television, Reel to Reel Archives, 78's, Taking things apart, Apart to together putting, History, Infinity and Arthur Lee ........... .................. ........................... ...................... ...................................... . 1010 . ............................................ . 01010 . .................................................... .....01....... ............................................................ . ............................................................ ................ ............................................................ ................................ ............................................................ ................................................... Cheyenne Trees
.. Here's Sweet Carolina, forgive my pronouncation of 'Southern', I didnt just nail the diction, I have been working on it over the last few weeks juring shows. Chair with a fuse, lights dimming, something about Thomastown. Sweet Carolina
Sounds Like: A variety of interpretation’s of the acoustic guitar. I also play with bass and drums. I use some tapping techniques I gained through experimenting for many years. I also use finger style in line with lyrical patches. I have some further sounds that I will release in time that have excited me a lot in my guitar addicted ways. My vocal capacity has been passed down on both sides from the 'tenor' tradition. My father is professionally voice trained and he passed some of his skills onto me. After winning the New York Fleadh three times, he sang with 'The Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick' for the rich and famous of New York as soloist. He has been heard in such places as Hunter College, Carnegie Hall, and City Hall.
Record Label: Indie
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

we record

At the moment we 'Humbuzzer music productions' are in the process of putting down tracks which will make up our first album. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office...
Posted by on Wed, 04 Feb 2009 06:48:00 GMT

A little History to the Now.

My brother Mark has joined the Humbuzzer crew as lead guitarist. He started playing a good few years ago and like the boys and I, he is well seasoned at this stage. We play 'Origins' in Cavan town and...
Posted by on Tue, 19 Aug 2008 21:37:00 GMT

Gerry McBreen' My Colleen' 1989 Country Music Video This guy Jerry Mc Breen is a genius. He writes songs about everything and anything. He has his own unique style of comic song that b...
Posted by on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 12:49:00 GMT

Post Experiment: See It My Way

Check out this video: See It My Way Add to My Profile | More Videos
Posted by on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 17:20:00 GMT