The Green Sea profile picture

The Green Sea

About Me

The Green Sea is a two piece band from the north coast of Ohio, to be specific, Cleveland, Ohio, to be even more specific, Mentor, Ohio. The band is made up of Joe Boyle on guitar and vocals, and Zach McCraith on Vocals and Percussion. The music they write is meant to evoke emotion in the people that listen. The band is just getting off the ground but they have already written numerous songs. Stay on the lookout for this band of young gentleman. Recorded music is on the way.

Come Home (Question Your Love) from TheGreenSea on Vimeo

Burn Out from TheGreenSea on Vimeo .

My Interests


Member Since: 2/20/2008
Band Website: This is it for now
Band Members: Joe Boyle
Guitar & Vocals

Zach McCraith
Influences: Death Cab for Cutie, The Shins, Portugal. The Man, Vampire Weekend, The Thrills.
Sounds Like: A guitar, some keys, some voices, and some hits on things.
Record Label: None
Type of Label: Indie

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