Katie- Did(n't) profile picture

Katie- Did(n't)

I am here for Friends

About Me

I am a 24 yr old college student attending MSU. I was born and raised in Spfld. and love certain things about our little big town (nightlife). I love hanging out with friends (Where's my bitches?) and partying whenever possible while remaining somewhat responsible. I also LOVE my family and couldn't ask for a better more supportive INTERESTING group of people (shout out to the newest editions- Noah Michael and Haley Delynn)! I also have recently been expanding my lil' business(Katie's Tidy Up Service) and it's going really well. Most of my life consists of laughing and playing around with my amazing friends and my puppy dog(s) and either going to school or workig on homework. I have great friends and can't wait til' I graduate this Aug. so I can spend more time with them! I have a huge heart and know what I want out of my relationships. From what my friends have told me, they know I would do ANYTHING for them (and I would). I'm a good person and I try and see my blessings and not judge others. I just can't imagine having that much hate in your heart. I laugh a LOT and my main goal in life is to be HAPPY and I want to do the same for others. I love to joke around and even if you see a tear run down my face, the next thing after that will be a smile! :) I've seen people change and people hurt other people and I feel I owe it to myself to remain consistant and learn from others mistakes instead of having to wait and find out for myself. I don't ever want to hurt ANYONE! Words of advice, don't ever take advantage, always appreciate your blessings, and of course...SMILE! :) ~Peace~Watch out.... I'm a
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My Interests

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media (what I'm going to school for), friends, pop culture, trying new restaraunts, seeing movies old and new, shopping .. Read my VisualDNA ™ Get your own VisualDNA™

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who is funny and interesting and likes to have a good time!

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I really like alot of music! Anything that can get me to feel emotions! Any emotion. I love the power music can have over you! *Vinyl Richy (check him out ya'll)*


I love movies and watch them ALL the time. I love the film industry and try to analyze movies in a very critical and particular way on things like sound,lighting, editing, casting, directing, etc. I love all kinds of movies and urge people to watch Independent films and documentaries.Alot of the time they are far more interesting and far more informative and useful! If you don't want to know the reality about movies or tv and be told the ways (tricks) on how and why movies are the way they are, don't watch them with me. I can be watching the most badass scene and say "Oh, you have to remember... that's all done in a studio on a set in Hollywood. The fact that I do know has honestly taken out the "wow" factor in a lot of movies. If there is a movie that is so interesting and well done that I don't think about how it was made, you know it was a well done movie! ;)


Curb Your Enthusiasm, WEEDS, Sex and the City, The E! Channel, whatever reality show that has sucked me in at the time... I hate advertisements and don't need to shown what else I NEED in my life to make it better... I already know!


The majority of the reading I do is forced by college professors and the need to raise my GPA. I also read a lot of "smut mags" (People, US Weekly, OK!) Lame, I know!


.. alt
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My Blog

So I love me some Canadians...

I think it's pretty cool how many people here that have been so nice and friendly (which has been all of them). The staff at our hotel is so helpful (ya'll ROCK) and all the locals we've met and/or as...
Posted by Katie- Did(n't) on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 07:08:00 PST

Dee da dee...

Tryin to pass time.... As my closest friends very well know, I have "troubles" sleeping at night. ESPECIALLY when I'm excited, nervous, or anxious. At this time I am a combination of the those three t...
Posted by Katie- Did(n't) on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 12:04:00 PST

40 dirty lil secrets!!! ;)

40 Dirty little SecretsBe honest no matter what......[ONE] who were your last three txt messages from?Aaron, Becky, Patrick[TWO] Where was your default picture taken?My bed when I woke up one morning!...
Posted by Katie- Did(n't) on Thu, 29 May 2008 02:41:00 PST

Ahhh man!

So why is it that I have to go and ruin IT?I take my shot(s)I stumble aroundI open my mouthWoops, there you go again! What is IT you might ask...IT can be a number of things...IT is something that con...
Posted by Katie- Did(n't) on Fri, 23 May 2008 02:11:00 PST

This is hilarious!!!

The problem with many crack houses is a combination of the lack of furniture, questionable structural integrity, and overall squalor. So, without further ado, I offer you Martha Stewart's tips for tur...
Posted by Katie- Did(n't) on Mon, 19 May 2008 05:17:00 PST

I’m on WAY to much adderrol to sleep right now... DAMN!

Who were you with last night?Breezy, my new roomie who I honestly could not have made it through last night or today without.Love you bitch! Does anyone call you baby?Yeah, a few people. Most notably,...
Posted by Katie- Did(n't) on Wed, 14 May 2008 02:36:00 PST

Chillaxin at home on a Sat. night!!! What to do....

***SURVEY*** :)1) Your ex is cross ing the stree t, what do you do?Depends on which one it is... Sloan- holla holla! Patrick- grab a blunt object and throw it as hard as I can at his package 2) Yo...
Posted by Katie- Did(n't) on Sun, 11 May 2008 08:39:00 PST

Study break survey....

Two Names You Go By:1) Katie 2) Kat Box, Lil Peach, Cheeks (Maginski), Jelly Bean (thanks patrick) I know that's more than two... can't help it! Two Thing s You Are Weari ng Right Now:1) clothes2) ...
Posted by Katie- Did(n't) on Wed, 07 May 2008 08:23:00 PST

Name game google search!

- Type in " [ your name] needs " in the Googl e searc h: Anglican Journal - Archbishop [Athabasca] Assures his Diocese ...James Packer, who focused on the need for deeper Bible understanding; ... Ap...
Posted by Katie- Did(n't) on Mon, 05 May 2008 04:17:00 PST

Check out this event: College Trivia Night

So, it is FINALLY here! The much anticipated (by myself at least) :) College Trivia Night. I am still really anxious about the whole thing. I've really tried busting my ass to make this event successf...
Posted by Katie- Did(n't) on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 03:04:00 PST