Formed by front man singer/songwriter and Lead Guitarist, Mike Miller. The Easy Riders come from the heart of the midwest. Originating as a 3 piece power Trio, The Easy Riders have come a long way forming into a 6 piece youthful Blues/Roots/Rock band with Harmonica, Matt Fuller, Drummer, Joel Ingles, Hand Perccussion, Ryan Fogerty, Bassist, Pat Connely, and Organist, Joe Park. The Riders garuntee to captivate that vintage soul driven music. Filled with a bold sound, and a hard drivin rythem section. The Riders have sucessfully played over 100 shows in 2008 and in recent years shared the stage with great acts as EOTO (percussionist and drummer Jason Hann and Michael Travis from String Cheese Incident) as well as The Schwag and Jerry Garcia Band with Melvin Seals, and Great American Taxi featuring Vince Herman from Leftover Salmon, also The Lee Boys. New original songs are being written daily, and antient classics being resurected in a new light sure to be heard as if it were the first time. The Riders hope to see you on the road in 2009!
Conatact The Easy Riders for booking or questions at
[email protected]