My name is James Cacciatore,a.k.a. Mr.Jim.I'm happily married to my awesome wife Tricia,we have four beautiful children,Timothy,James,Steven,Isabella.My family is my life,my heart,my soul.I'm a professional tattoo artist with 20 years experience,tattooing was/is my destiny;I wanted to be a tattooer since I was a young kid(not very common in 1979).I served a full old-school apprenticeship under "R.C.",a well-known Philly tattooer,at his shop "Authentic Fine Arts" in South Philly,which is now "South Philly Tattoo".I am eternally grateful to R.C.for his help,also to my brother "Luke",who taught me,and paved the way.I'm a life-long martial artist,my main arts are Goju Ryu Karate and Sayoc Kali.I hold Ni-Dan rank(second degree black belt)in Goju-Ryu,and Level One Associate Instructor rank,Kayan Isa Guro, in Sayoc Kali .I am deeply interested in all martial arts.I'm a U.S. Army vet(combat engineer).I strongly support all U.S. military personnel,and offer big discounts on tattoo work to the brave men and women of our Armed Forces!I love to hunt wild boar with dogs and knife,pure adrenaline!I work at South Philly Tattoo,couldn't be happier,love my job and my co-workers,we're like family!I been there and back you could say.