Chris DiMarco and the Campfire Jams profile picture

Chris DiMarco and the Campfire Jams

About Me

From the depths of the black rocky mountains in Colorado comes the greatest, the ultimate, the extraordinary......DiMarco.......*dah dah dahhhh*My name is Christopher DiMarco. Some call me the "greatest composer of our era", some call me "that guy." I've taken the time to write songs over the years to ease my intense emotional pain and subdue my inner demons. These demons scream at me during the night, telling me to write songs that rock...write songs that jam....write songs that exist for the sake of existing....For the sake of music....the sake of our planet....Mother Earth......But actually, I just write songs and record them in my basement. I'm looking for people to play this shit live with, so if you're down, shoot me me an email. I've been so sick of the radio, and I've found myself listening to a lot more of the classics. Back in the day I feel they had songwriting down. It was more carefree; less emphasis on how exact timing was and how exact every note had to be. I feel that precision should never exist in music; it's defeating the purpose. We're all humans, we're not perfect. If we expect our perfect art to represent our minds, bodies, and souls...we're misrepresenting ourselves. This may be a random tangent, but it's what I like about The Campfire Jams... I want to be free with music, and I want you all to relate, be free, and find whatever happiness you can.

My Interests


Member Since: 10/19/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Chris DiMarco, guest musicians (live)
Influences: The Beatles, The Beach Boys, Kellar Williams, The Doors, 311, Sublime, Quedrowan, Ravi Shankar, Chet Baker, Mideski Martin and Wood, Phish, String Cheese Incident, Led Zepplin, Burning Spear, Bob Marley, Peter Tosh...
Sounds Like: A wildebeast eating rasberries while humming a tune
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

Pumpkin beer

I know it sounds a little awkward, but I've been enjoying the stuff for at least 3 Autumns. It's only out once a year, and if you can find it...stockpile it...I've got Blue Moons "Harvest Moon" with m...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 16:44:00 GMT

The show last night

Last night at Wahoos I had probably the best time playing out that I've ever had.  Usually I take a break inbetween sets to let my fingers rest, get something to eat....but no, not this time. We ...
Posted by on Sat, 12 May 2007 10:10:00 GMT

Suggestions for studio recording?

I posted this as a bullitain, but I'd like to get it out there to as many as possible...  :   I'm looking to begin recording in the studio sometime within late November/early December.. I ne...
Posted by on Sun, 05 Nov 2006 16:22:00 GMT

so what have I been up to?

Hey everyone, sorry about the lack of music and words and everything.  I've been in New Zealand for the past month doing conservation work.  If anyone wants to read about what's been going o...
Posted by on Sun, 30 Jul 2006 03:41:00 GMT

if you want to hear good music

turn to the 60's...todays music has nothing.  Even the "good" bands have nothing. Listen to Led Zepplin, and you will find the truth.
Posted by on Fri, 25 Nov 2005 22:15:00 GMT

What's really important

Whatsup people.  Just here at school and thought I'd do some random writing.  I'm about 30 minutes away from my Anthropology class, and probably about 30 minutes away from seeing a lower tes...
Posted by on Tue, 15 Nov 2005 13:08:00 GMT


I need some steady, dedicated musicians who want to gig in Denver and the surrounding states. -Bass (GOTTZZ to have dat groove) -Percussion (Drums/Handdrums/Whatever else you've got up your sleeve) -G...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Oct 2005 10:21:00 GMT