Craig profile picture


If he fails . . . fails while daring greatly

About Me

I edited my profile at Free Christian MySpace Layouts , check out these Christian Myspace Layouts!
So I currently work for the man with the US Air Force at Eglin AFB as a Department of Defense Civilian doing weapons testing. Scared yet?.
I am currently trying to finish research so I can get my master's degree that the government so generously paid for. I also joined the ranks of homeownership.

I have been blessed with AWESOME friends that have done so much for me in my life that I thank and love so much. These friends have had a tremendous impact in my spiritual life especially. I have learned a lot in the last few years about how I can make myself a better Christian brother to them and others. I can't wait to see what else God has in store for me in my life!!
I'm also currently playing bass in a praise band leading worship at our "Freedom" worship service on Sunday mornings. My band mates rock, and the band continues to bless me constantly.

My Identity in Christ

Because of Christ's redemption,
I am a new creation of great worth
I am deeply loved,
completely forgiven,
fully pleasing,
totally accepted by God,
and absolutely complete in Christ.
There has never been another person like me
in the history of mankind,
nor will there ever be.
God has made me an original,
one of a kind, really somebody!
- Search for Significance by Robert S. McGee
"It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly . . . who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who have never known neither victory or defeat."
- Teddy Roosevelt

My Interests

Playing on the computer, watching ESPN, playing XBox, playing drums, listening to music


Audio Adrenaline, Building 429, Caedmon's Call, Casting Crowns, David Crowder Band, Jars of Clay, Jeremy Camp, Kutless, Reliant K, Shane and Shane, Shawn McDonald, Third Day, Todd Agnew, and other Contemporary Christian artists


If I listed all my favorite movies then we would be here all day. However a few off the top of my head are: Monty Python, Mel Brooks, Bull Durham, Caddyshack, Dark Crystal, Fight Club, Goonies, Labrynth, Napoleon Dynamite, Princess Bride, Shawshank Redemption, Shrek, Snatch, Sneakers, Tommy Boy, Toy Story, and the list goes on.


If it's not sports or SportsCenter than I probably haven't watched it. The few exceptions of shows I try to catch are Family Guy, CSI (only the original in Vegas), and nerd shows like MythBusters.


Good Ole Boy, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, but lately it has been more Christian in nature, Bible, Joshua Harris's Books, One Thing You Can't Do in Heaven by Mark Cahill, etc.


My heroes are generally people that aren't famous. It basically boils down my heroes being peole that I am close to whom I admire their relationship with God, so that I might strive to have a similar relationship myself. Those are the people that I admire and learn from.

My Blog

Must See Skit

This is amazing!  It actually brought tears to my eyes (which almost never happens) ...
Posted by Craig on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 07:27:00 PST


Got back from Belize about 7:00 on Saturday.  The trip was awesome!!  This blog is going to be long with the details, so be forewarned.Turns out we worked at both a children's home and a sen...
Posted by Craig on Tue, 30 May 2006 05:33:00 PST


I am leaving bright and early in the morning (got to be at the church at 0400) to head to Belize for a mission trip for a week.  We are going to do some work on a children's home.  There is ...
Posted by Craig on Sat, 20 May 2006 06:39:00 PST

Last Insight of the Semester

Tonight was the last Insight of the semester.  Insight is the weekly worship of the semester.  Tonight was a little different because we didn't have a message.  It was just to worship a...
Posted by Craig on Wed, 03 May 2006 08:47:00 PST

AWESOME Adventure Weekend

Just got back last night from an awesome adventure weekend set up with the Wild at Heart / Captivating group study going on at the Wesley.  Six guys and four girls went to go to TN to go caving a...
Posted by Craig on Mon, 01 May 2006 02:08:00 PST

I've been tagged!

The Rules: Once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 7 weird/things/habits about yourself. In the end you need to list 7 other people to tag and list their names. Don't forget to leave a c...
Posted by Craig on Sun, 09 Apr 2006 01:13:00 PST

Uncle Craig!!! (Part II b)

Well I woke up at 5:30 am yesterday to go with my parents to Little Rock.  We got to the hospital about 11:15 and told my sister that she was free to have the baby now that we were there.  W...
Posted by Craig on Thu, 22 Dec 2005 07:33:00 PST

Uncle Craig!!! (Part II a)

Hey guys!  My family is leaving at 6:00 tomorrow morning headed to Little Rock for the birth of my third niece, Kennedy James Fraser.  My sister is checking into the hospital at 7:30 tonight...
Posted by Craig on Tue, 20 Dec 2005 04:47:00 PST

Timing. Easier said than done.

This was a bulletin that my friend Liz posted.  I thought this was really good.  I thought it was so good that I wanted to blog it.  It's definitely a struggle of mine to be patient and...
Posted by Craig on Mon, 21 Nov 2005 08:56:00 PST

Uncle Craig!!!

Hey everyone!  I just wanted to say that I now have a new neice, Sarah Louise Fowler, as of a little after 10:00 Friday night.  She was 7 lbs 1 oz and healthy.  She was two weeks early,...
Posted by Craig on Sun, 13 Nov 2005 05:44:00 PST