LERA profile picture


About Me

Lera began her career as producer in 2005. She is also an a dj and a vocalist. Real name Lera. Her base influence in getting involved in music from childhood. When she was 7 years old, Lera has gone in musical school to study play on the piano and guitar. Since then has passed a lot of time and all has been forgotten, if not a case… When she was 17, she went for her first time to a “RAVE” party, its has changed her mind and sight at music. She to be engaged in music again. Musical electronic world, free from binds and traditional diktats. In 2005 she received her first set of DJ equipment. Also in it year was created the project Viza. Lera is a part of VIZA duo. She has begun to make tracks with her own touch in music: her vocals. She truly has a style of his own. With its passion to all styles of music, Lera has created own unique groovy dancing sound. This time around she comes with a progressive/ tech house styles. She is a resident of american radio station Pure FM, where every month presents LOTTO radio show. And greece radio station Dance Radio Global with radio show Tech Wave. Among guests of this radio shows were such DJs as Daniel Portman, Yura Popov, Artego and etc. Also she played on such radio stations as Frisky Radio (USA), Tribal Mixes Radio (USA), Ensonic FM (Canada), Clever Rhythms Radio (Ukraine) and etc. Lera - not only a dj, she is a talented vocalist and author of lyrics. Her first releases was in 2008 on such labels like Carica records, Bellarine, Polytechnics, Lotto Yellow, Lotto Blue, Real Music. Now she works over creation of some new tracks in cooperation with russian and foreign producers, and goes on tour over all the world. Lera is a resident of the international group of labels Carica Music Group, as well as Soho Club Belek.
Д иджэйн и вокалист. Первые шаги на встречу к музыке сделала еще в раннем детстве. Когда ей было 7 лет, она начала обучаться игре на фортепиано и гитаре в музыкальной школе. C тех пор прошло много времени и многое было забыто, но однажды... она оказалась на своей первой “RAVE party”. Lera попала в мир музыки снова. Музыкальный электронный мир, свободный от традиционных диктат. В 2005 году был создан проект Viza, участницей которого она является. Тогда же, она начала играть на вертушках. Ее сеты всегда зажигательны и эмоциональны. У неё определенный стиль. С её страстью ко многим стилям музыки, она создала свой уникальный электронный звук – dance style, где сочетает progressive/ tech house/techno. Является резидентом американской интернет-радиостанции Pure Fm, где каждый месяц представляет радио-шоу "LOTTO", а также греческой радиостанции Dance Radio Global с шоу "TECH WAVE". В стремлении к новому звучанию, в своих радио-миксах, она презентует эксклюзивные треки друзей музыкантов со всего мира. Среди ее гостей на радио, уже побывали Daniel Portman, Yura Popov, Artego, Humkey, Michel Zola и многие другие. Ее миксы играли и на таких радиостанциях как Frisky Radio (США), Tribal Mixes (США), Ensonic FM (Канада), Clever Rhythms Radio (Украина). Lera не только диджей, но и талантливая вокалистка и автор текстов. Релизы ее первых треков состоялись в 2008 году на таких лэйблах, как Bellarine, Polytechnics, Lotto Yellow, Lotto Blue, Carica Records. В настоящее время она работает над созданием своих новых треков совместно с российскими и зарубежными продюсерами. Резидент международной группы лэйблов Carica Music Group, а также Soho Club Belek.
Viza – Damage EP (Original mix) (Bellarine Recordings)
Viza - Who’s here (Original mix) (Bellarine Recordings)
Viza – In contact (Original mix) (Polytechnic Recordings)
Viza – To fly (Original mix) (Polytechnic Recordings)
Viza – Stress (Original mix) (Polytechnic Recordings)
Viza – Peace (Original mix) (Polytechnic Recordings)
Viza feat Lera&Ladan - Shake (Original mix) (Polytechnic Recordings)
Viza - Deep&Love (Original mix) (Lotto Blue)
Viza – Metronome (Original mix) (Lotto Yellow)
Viza – Metronome (Lera edit) (Lotto Yellow)
Zoomer – Still in love (Viza remix) (Carica Records)

My Interests


Member Since: 20/02/2008
Band Website: www.caricamusicgroup.com

AddressBOOKING REQUESTSto booking@caricamusicgroup.com

Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Video interview with LERA

http://www.danceradioglobal.com/progressive/index.php/Video- Stuff/Interviews/Djane-Lera-video-interview.html
Posted by on Mon, 01 Jun 2009 07:36:00 GMT

Lera for Sextronic show @ Frisky Radio

Posted by on Sat, 09 May 2009 06:16:00 GMT

Lera for Dance Anthems @ Tribal Mixes

Posted by on Fri, 16 Jan 2009 09:49:00 GMT


Peace EP (Polytechnics recordings)01 Peace02 Shake ft.Lera & Ladan In Contact EP (Polytechnics recordings)01 In Contact02 Stress03 To FlyDeep & Love (Lotto Blue)01 Deep & LoveMetronome (Lotto Yellow...
Posted by on Wed, 14 Jan 2009 07:14:00 GMT