~*Kayla*~ profile picture


*MaY fAiTh GiVe YoU tHe WiNgS tO dArE tO dO gReAt ThInGs!*

About Me

Cute Myspace LayoutsHeey!! I'll soon be 21!...thank goodness! (I'm getting old =( ) I'm an assistant for an awesome dentist! & I'm was the waiting list for the hygiene program, but i decided not to go..I'm officially going to go to school to get my dental license....I have my license to do coronal polishings and sealants..it's awesome! My goal has been to become a dentist ever since I was 12 and now i'm finally going to achieve it..which unfortunately for me means lots of schooling! I'm starting school in the fall at UIS to get my bachelors degree in biology and then continuing dental schooling at ISUE....seven more years of schooling! But it'll be worth it! I love God, my family, and of course my friends! And most of all my wonderful boyfriend, who i absolutely adore! =D I have the best friends in the world!! I don't know what I'd do without them! My Grandpa has always been my hero and always will be!... I'm proud to say I'm just as stubborn as he is!! =) I love to have fun!....I believe life is as challenging as you make it. God only gives you things he knows you can handle...and i believe that 100%! life too short to stress over the little things..so smile!..live each day as if it were your last! *If you don't jump, you'll never know if you can fly!* RIP Tylor.. luv & miss ya bud! Olay olay olay olay!

My Interests

I love to dance! dancing is my life!! I am currently taking ballroom dancing lessons..My favorite I have learned so far are Swing and Rhumba! I also love to sing! I play the piano, drums, and I try to play the guitar...(it's more or less music to my ears only hahaha) but I'll catch on eventually! I love to be around my Man! and all my friends!! There is never a dull moment when we're all together! Stand up comedy, BASEBALL (GO CARDINALS!!, FOOTBALL (GO BEARS!), and Hockey kick butt!


I love to sing so I listen to alot of different kinds of music! Pretty much anything and everything..just depends on the mood! but I love Rock!!


I love all kinds! I love to watch scary movies...I'm not sure which is more entertaining....watching a scary movie or Brittanys reactions to it hahaha and...of course anything with Owen Wilson!


FAMILY GUY!! Of course Desperate Housewives and GREY'S ANATOMY! I don't know what I'd do without them!


Anything by James Patterson! his books are awesome!


My Grandparents and my Parents are my true heroes! I love Grandpa! and of course my siblings..my lil sisters and... my little brother who watches over me like a big brother! lol i don't know what i'd do without them...i adore them!

My Blog


As of Aug. 5th i'll be officially licensed to do sealants and cleanings at the dentist office.....YAY!! I'M SO FREAKIN EXCITED!!!!!! yeah, pretty sure we'll all be celebrating that night lol! woop woo...
Posted by ~*Kayla*~ aka *Taylor* on Sun, 16 Jul 2006 09:17:00 PST

"My Mom is Superman!!"

The most adorable thing happend about 2 weeks ago and it makes melaugh everytime it replays in my head so i decided to share it witheveryone! haha...My sister and I were out at the mall so she could p...
Posted by ~*Kayla*~ aka *Taylor* on Sun, 07 May 2006 03:58:00 PST