Be Yourself - imitation is suicideAdding and being-a-Homie
i am not cleaning up my friend space anymore. - I give a fuck...-
don't add or accept if u wont talk to me. -u will not, i know it-
I always comment back and looking for confersation -u don't, i know- talk to me anyway ;) hate people on myspace who are looking all the same or think they are better than anyone else -so many- ...and think they are soooo cool that they don't have to comment or message back or something. -attention pleace- hello??? myspace was made for comunication =O -thanks-
u have to give me a chance before ignoring me the whole time -jaaayyy . it would be nice-
I read bulletins and i answer them so watch out what u are writing -yay, i really do ... to much time, u know- :P
MSN: liisafreak[@]
The Used + HelloGoodbye + The Hoosiers + I Am Ghost + Exit Evangeline + June + Beatsteaks + The View + The Kung Fu Girls + Goo Goo Dolls + Tegan and Sara + MC Fly + Deathproof ost + Voxtrot
FightClub + Fluch der Karibik I-III + Domino + DonnieDarko + Blade Trinity + BridgetJones 1/2 + 300 ~ THIS IS SPARTA + Happy Feet xD + DEATHPROOF
Drake & Josh + QueerAsFolk + the Simpsons + Scrubs + Dr. House ♥ CSI (NY and Miami
i start to read again
Pentti Holappa - Porträt eines Freundes
Oliver Uschmann - Hartmut und ich
Dirk Bernemann - Ich hab die Unschuld kotzen gesehen 1+2
Meine Atzen
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