Now the farmer wants my dog put down.
I'm going to eat the farmer.
Then they won't put my dog down.
From the inspired mind of Sir D.G.C.C.Scotting
Only in Devon
Now the farmer wants my dog put down.
I'm going to eat the farmer.
Then they won't put my dog down.
From the inspired mind of Sir D.G.C.C.Scotting
Only in Devon
i'd like to meet richard sharpe, he IS real. seriously i'd like to meet michael crichton, iron maiden, phil anselmo and troy sanders also the great mike patton, Napoleon, Sir Francis drake, Sir David Attonburgh, Bill Oddie, Hitler on some level, Issac Newton, Isumbard Kingdom Brunnel,the goodies, there's more but my minds gone blank which it has a tendency to do from time to time.
Below is a list of my friends in order of preference.