NorthStar Student Ministries profile picture

NorthStar Student Ministries

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

We are a group of Students and Adults who want to change the World.We are the students of NorthStar Fellowship of Concord, NC. We have an awesome church, full of awesome people, who want to change the world.


My Interests

I'd like to meet:

The point is that Jesus Christ really did come, really did die, and really did go back to heaven for us. He really does love you, and only wants to shower you with his love. He can't do this until you decide that you're sin isn't worth the consequence of Hell. Sin is fun but it's not worth it. EVERY SINGLE PERSON has sinned and needs Jesus to take it away. All it takes is for someone Accept that Jesus needs to be in control of what they do, Ask for forgiveness, and for Him to take away the sin. It's so easy, yet many won't do it. Any one of us would love to tell you more...come find us or whatever you have to do to get info. We'll waiting!


My Blog

NorthStar Student Blog

Go Checkout our Blog site for NorthStar Student Ministries NorthStar Underground    let us know whatcha think....kbye Josh
Posted by on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 10:32:00 GMT