The Tea Shades profile picture

The Tea Shades

About Me

Torbay's first ever supergroup, featuring TOM CRANG (of The Crabs) on vocals and rythmn guitar, the amazing JORDAN COOPER (possibly the reincarnation of Hendrix?) on lead guitar and backing vocals, the incredibly talented JOE STUDD (of Palm Mute) on drums and the astounding miss.EMILY HOWARD (the lady) on bass and vocals. I have it on good authority they all feel very blessed to be able to create such beautiful music with such lovely people. awwww

My Interests


Member Since: 20/02/2008
Band Members: Tom Crang- Vocals, Rythmn Guitar / Jordan Cooper- Lead Guitar, Vocals / Joe Studd- Drums / Emily Howard- Bass, Vocals
Influences: Beatles, Pixies, Nirvana, Syd Barrett, White Stripes, T Rex, David Bowie, Arctic Monkeys, The Raconteurs, Ramones, Blues Brothers, Mudhoney, Bob Marley, Buzzcocks, Only Ones, The Clash, Sex Pistols, The Cure, The Killers, Led Zeppelin, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Ray Charles, The Stooges, Sleater-Kinney, Harry Nillson, Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon, Leadbelly, Kings of Leon, Lou Reed, QOTSA, Weezer, RATM, Rolling Stones, Queen Adreena, Tool, Vaselines, and many more..
Sounds Like: A madcap dictating gibberish to the three talented musicians who stand around him
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

by tut way..

if you feel like getting a partial dose of teashades you can catch an almost full lineup pretty much every week at the jam nights at plan b!
Posted by on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 01:23:00 GMT