Alfredo profile picture


About Me

Here's me in a nutshell from HeR pov..
hoc her cell (8:05:38 PM): alfredo is cheryls boyfriend
hoc her cell (8:06:13 PM): hes not into clubbin n partyin all the time... more of a chillin type guy.... but can occasionally go out
hoc her cell (8:06:55 PM): he likes t obe affectionate... but not overly
hoc her cell (8:07:01 PM): that cheryl gets digusted hahaha
hoc her cell (8:07:30 PM): alfredo can be really sensitive sometimes
hoc her cell (8:08:20 PM): he likes to work things out when problems arise
top hoc her cell (8:08:27 PM): and address them asap
hoc her cell (8:08:39 PM): hes a problem solver.
hoc her cell (8:09:15 PM): he enjoys anything what invovles words and/or word trivia
hoc her cell (8:10:10 PM): more than often.. he is optimistic.... except when hes complaining about himself
hoc her cell (8:11:25 PM): when he is irritated with cheryl... he gives her one word or few word phrases... as a response
hoc her cell (8:11:37 PM): and in person doesnt look at her
hoc her cell (8:11:44 PM): but looks over her head or higher
hoc her cell (8:11:53 PM): when irritated with her
hoc her cell (8:11:53 PM): that is
hoc her cell (8:12:09 PM): and lets go of her hands
hoc her cell (8:12:46 PM): alfredo is tall dark n handsome
hoc her cell (8:13:04 PM): even when he thinks he has a lot of pimples on his face..
hoc her cell (8:13:31 PM): but they are just beauty marks that seperate him from the rest
hoc her cell (8:13:44 PM): with each unique one in its place
hoc her cell (8:14:12 PM): he likes to try new things in hopes that cheryl hasnt done it before
hoc her cell (8:14:53 PM): hes more of a spontaneous type then plannin ahead .. but he has his moments when he plans things.. esp surprises.
hoc her cell (8:16:01 PM): alfredo is giving when it comes to his girlfriend
hoc her cell (8:16:32 PM): he likes to joke around a lot..... and his competitive nature... sparks competitiveness in others.
hoc her cell (8:21:15 PM): if your lookin for someone easy to chill and get a long with..
hoc her cell (8:21:18 PM): alfredo is ur guy
hoc her cell (8:21:21 PM): =)

My Interests

spending time with people i like, debating for the sake of argumentative gratification, matching my daily attire down to the color of my underwear.. or so it seems.. since i'm colorblind, dribbling a basketball, feeding my gambling nature with little spurts of wagering, the list goes on..

I'd like to meet:

ppl who actually talk to me thru myspace.. if we don't get to talk as much in person.. y not thru here..

and of course.. *drool*

anyone that likes to doodle


someone says i like dem booty beats but sometimes a good chill song gets the job done


most recent likes: LIFE AS A HOUSE, she's the man, pearl harbor

x-men was alright.. but the viewing experience was sawEEEEt.. come to think of it.. all the movies i like had a pleasant commonality


jeopardy.. ONE TREE HILL!! desperate housewives! cash cab.. good eats.. mythbusters.. everybody loves raymond.. the price is right.. NiPtuck!!


tuesdays with morrie is pretty good.. suggestions appreciated..


my Mom and Dad
...and anyone/thing who can make me laugh like this -

My Blog

a chain email.. for everyone to learn from.. thx brian

LET IT REALLY SINK IN - THEN CHOOSE .           ;           ;       ...
Posted by Alfredo on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 05:07:00 PST

Home on a Sunday

Just sittin at home, enjoying the relaxation of no work today.  Kinda lost as to what to do at the moment, everything's been so fast paced.  Just me and Rascal here, everyone else is out doi...
Posted by Alfredo on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 06:44:00 PST

PI trip blog 1

omg! i just blogged and the dial up errored!! waaaah.. lemme see if i remember what i said.. but i'm here in the philippines i've been hanging out with family and eating non-stop.. mmm gotta love fili...
Posted by Alfredo on Sun, 23 Jul 2006 09:22:00 PST

keys to my heart... hah or so it seems...

The Keys to Your Heart You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free. In love, you feel the most alive when your partner is patient and never willing to give up on you. ...
Posted by Alfredo on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST