Blogs - Call for submissions - The Hannah Maclure Centre MySpace Blog
In partnership with the Scottish Arts Council’s Visual Arts Department the University hosts a New Media Residency; with a £10,000 bursary it is open for visual artists resident in Scotland. The new media residency plays a significant role in recognising the importance of artists embracing new technologies and new media, providing a strong academic context and access to the wider public through the Hannah Maclure Centre programme giving it not only an important local relevance, but also a UK national and international relevance. For further information about applying and deadlines please visit the Scottish Arts Council Website.Projects are scheduled around a year in advance, concentrating on artists based in Scotland and internationally. Primarily artists and curators are invited to develop projects with the Centre and this selection is developed by the University’s Cultural Projects Officer in consultation with a highly active Cultural Development Team.The University has a commitment to the dissemination of its culture, intent on realising large scale projects and continuing research. Being a window into these activities, the Hannah Maclure Centre endeavours to bring in new work by influential and acclaimed artists whilst also being a champion of exceptional, less exposed artists.