The Gutter Gods project started at the end of 2007 as a vision influenced by many wet dreams and childhood passions.People often talk about having discovered "someting completely new in terms of music". But is it fair to call the 16780580389748970348907789048903478902567452th copy of Led zeppelin innovative? Is it ok to re-re-revive the '70's, '80's and '90's rock sound and pour it into new songs and call it something 'new'? Is a C-A-G-E-D scheme something new?Most bands that really try to create something new are soon labeled as "too alternative" or whatever terms critics use to mask the fact that they're just affraid that a new musical revolution will show up and give rock'n'roll the headshot it has been begging for for the past 10 years.Gutter Gods is a night to remember. It's sweaty, it's fun, it's sexy, it's visual, it's auditive, it's your chin dropping to your chest. Gutter Gods is a 3 band line up turning your venue into the center of the universe.Gutter Gods is doing it for the love of the crowd, the passion for music.Venues where we've beenSeptember 28th 2007; JC Brieljant - DeinzeNovember 17th 2007; JH Tonzent - KampenhoutFebruary 16th 2008; JH UzUz - GistelMay 17th 2008; 't Verdriet - ZeleJuly 5th 2008; JH 't Schabernak - Evere (Brussels)September 27th; JH 't Sloefke - WolvertemCONTACT:[email protected]