**Amie** profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I have graduated from Sparks High and UNR. I have been married for a little while now; I tell him he's not bad for my first husband!! J/K, I love him more than anything else in the world! I love the outdoors, and doing fun stuff, and i cant wait til summer again!! Hangin out at the lake and chillen with your friends and family is the way to go! Life is all about having fun and learning how to live so try new things and don't be afraid to get crazy! new
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i listen to almost all types of music but mostly country and hip hop. i have so many favorites that i cant think of all of them


my favorite movies are comedies but i havent gone to see one in over a year b/c they are soooo expensive - however the favorites are MULAN, TARZAN, (such a kid!) PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN, A LEAGUE OF THEIR OWN, and FIELD OF DREAMS (love baseball too!)


yes i am the biggest *Friends* junkie around!! that, cartoons and animal planet and sports are my main channels :)


read? i did that enough in college..of course Harry Potter books are pretty awesome


my husband is my hero, he is an amazing man and the smartest person i know. he is talented in everything he does and he is hot. Oh, and of course John Wayne is my hero!and of course my other hero is tink!